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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Mines usually anywhere to high 40s to high 50s. You?
  2. If someone plans on shooting up a school and planned to die, what would that matter
  3. Apparently it doesn’t get easier/less greedy, there’s a bunch of articles out there. Im more interested in the “new” things you’re talking about, what kinda stuff?
  4. Jerry the whale, LOL. Anyway I haven’t played this week, I’m guessing you’re between level 8-10? Or higher? That’s where they say it’s a money pit
  5. And/or the doc on hbo? Wild shit. The show has fantastic acting
  6. I am definitely for gun reform. I haven’t met many (sane) people who aren’t. I mean if they’re sane, there’s really nothing to worry about. I just don’t know what the answer is. It would be hard to tell a hunter he’s now no longer allowed to hunt because his son is mentally disabled. Or a soldier he’s no longer allowed to legally own a gun due to a disabled family member living with him. But yeah, I don’t think making people buy safes will do much. It won’t hurt, but there is no way to enforce it. They could buy one and sell it. Buy one and not use it. Etc.
  7. Won’t stop anyone from using one if they planned on dying after using it either way.
  8. I’m saying I think way more needs done than that. LOL, who would think Jerry would be the one with the conservative views when it came to gun regulation?
  9. Nah but I’ll prob pick it up for my nephews birthday for him.
  10. People are told not to shoot people now. They still do it. Your law is unenforceable.
  11. Maybe we need a law saying “no school shootings”. That should take care of it.
  12. No, I’m saying most school shootings occur from guns at home. How do you enforce someone using a gun safe?
  13. For example, how do you ever enforce someone USES their (already purchased) gun safe.
  14. I’m open to it too. But it won’t stop school shootings from happening.
  15. I’m just waiting to hear the regulations you are down for and more info on how they’d stop people from obtaining guns illegally. For example, how would it stop school shooters when they usually obtain a gun from parents?
  16. Well that’s why I’m asking u for ur plan. I think ur pretty smart.
  17. “Let’s see those gangbangers use a computer” Are you saying they’re illiterate thugs?
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