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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Notice he has no response. LOL. Bu bu ur meatloafs gaiz. MEEEEEEEETWOAFS
  2. He literally CANT think of a response other than to insult. but he IS in his 40s... and IS single. No denying that.
  3. It’s so easy to trigger him. I made him post the same picture 90+ posts in a row in a different thread. LMAO
  4. I would fuck a girl that had sex with 5000000 men as long as she doesn’t have a std. wtf does it matter? lol. Not talking about dating or a girl fully loaded with another dudes cum, but a good chance the love of your life got banged in the same day by multiple dudes. Notning wrong w it unless you think you wouldn’t do the same with women if you could lol
  5. https://www.chart-track.co.uk/?i=2764 sold more units than it’s resolution, reviewed well, and is just a great game. Welcome back broshi
  6. Do you all consider school shootings the most important topic when it comes to gun safety?
  7. Should have included a quote that didn’t make you look like a retard then, LOL
  8. You pointed out a specific section in the constitution that proved you completely wrong. This has nothing to do with dyno & everything with you self owning yourself........again.
  9. I guess it was just Jerry, then. Easy to get you two mixed up.
  10. Pretty sure @jehurey and @McWicked have called for full out firearms bans.....on several occasions.
  11. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/crime-courts/man-killed-two-others-injured-outside-rapper-nipsey-hussle-s-n989371 how could this happen?
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