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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Let’s be honest, is it worth kicking a man when he’s down? Ugh.. sorry to assume. Im waiting, Jerry. Who has more homeless, Seattle.. or Dallas? Will he answer? Nope. And then... and just then, we will have our answer. The suspense.
  2. I’ve forced another tapout from Jerry. Congrats to me & him for his help.
  3. Would you have sex with someone who banged someone that did that?
  4. Says the guy who can’t answer the question he was SO confident in before
  5. I’ll spell it out for you, LOL which ones are the biggest? Which ones would equal 2.2 million? Which ones would still have 1/3rd of Seattle’s homeless among? LMAO, it’s between “they aren’t accurate” and “well dallas has a 50%, they’re basically the same” too easy
  6. Nope, just curious lol I couldn’t imagine having it. The worst part of it would be having to tel people you have it .. and them then instantly not wanting to bang
  7. With the advancements it today’s world, whatever the circumstances that got you there,... would you do it? Assuming they’re on medicine and the weren’t really “contagious”? is there any situation in which you would say yes ?
  8. Like bro, there’s a homeless city and prostitution ring within city limits on a cemetery. https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/weightloss/seattle-homeless-crisis-historic-cemetery-overrun-with-drugs-and-prostitution-amid-worsening-problem/vp-BBV6n2G Imagine your mother was buried there. The fuck is wrong with you?
  9. Oh WAIT, the 2 Dallas counties have a TOTAL of 4600 homeless. HALF of Seattle’s, who again, have HALF the population of Dallas. Increidble stuff @Hot Sauce
  10. Crazy that Seattle, a city SOOOO much smaller than Dallas, has SO many more homeless. Even with half the population, still thousands more. Prayers for Seattle, really.
  11. Actually no, since you made the claim you’ll need to prove that Dallas, the city themselves, claim they feel THEIR numbers are inacccurate. I will believe them over you, which proves your point DOOOOOOOOMED.
  12. And now we are back to “well who’s to say anyone can count em accurate” lmao!! You already did that one
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