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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. He just backed away from his OWN claim.. again! Now he’s trying to deflect all a part of the jerry go round, of course. He still doesnt know. Hahaha
  2. Played a good hour. Game is pretty fun, just the novelty of it at least. Controls well, wish there was an online element but most importantly it shows what mobile gaming a direction. I’m not a big fan of the chest idea, but at the end of the day it’s FTP so I will forgive it. Graphics are really nice for a mobile. Looks like a smaller scale Skyrim more or less, perfect frame rate.
  3. “Dallas doesn’t know how to count their homeless population “ dodge counter: 3
  4. You haven’t proved anything. Well, you proved you don’t have the numbers. LOL Ill be waiting for an official source. Dodge counter: 1
  5. So you’re saying Dallas is inadequate at reporting on its homeless population? Why doesn’t NYC or LA have issues? Especially LA, they’re way bigger than Dallas.
  6. If you think Dallas is anywhere near Seattle’s homeless situation, I’d love to see some documentation stating such. I provided you with the numbers, now it’s your turn.
  7. 12,500 in Seattle... with 724k population 4,100 in Dallas... with a 1.3 million population
  8. Dallas is 2x the size as Seattle in terms of population yet has 50% of the homeless. Lmao. Jerry answered the question of “what happens in conservative ran cities (and Dallas barely is).
  9. So dallas’ homeless problem is just as bad as Seattle’s? Even if it is, which one is warm year round and which one isn’t? Even if they were even, that says enough of a problem
  10. Yeah I got an alert it was released. Guess it’s just early access, fun either way. Beautiful graphics
  11. That’s why it has a chance at being great. Developed ground up for mobile, with multiple ways to play (including one handed)
  12. Hands on: https://www.geek.com/games/hands-on-the-elder-scrolls-blades-is-a-mythical-mobile-spin-off-1777376/ It’ll be coming to Android, Switch, PC/XBOX later.
  13. Forced jail is the same thing. So your answer ... is to do the same thing. Lol. Ok!
  14. There are already homeless job fairs in cities. Often times these people simply don’t want to work. I could never be homeless. It would just never happen. And if it did, it would be for literallt under a day.
  15. What happens when they do their time in “forced rehab” (totally different than jail)? Is it 30 days or what? After that, they just go scott free?
  16. And how do you keep people in a building against their will jerry? He can’t be this dumb, lmao.
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