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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Solid. Get my shit shipped in from Cali every few weeks.
  2. The irony you’re mad that you’re on stolen land is what’s ironic LOL
  3. Lol at any American trying to claim they disapprove of whites stealing the land...THEY ARE CURRENTLY LIVING ON...lmfao
  4. Been waiting for this for literally years. Can’t wait to get some free time
  5. Looking at this all retrospectively, it’s actually hilarious how pathetic it really was
  6. I doubt it. The left hates him, the right hates him. He’s basically alienated now
  7. Yeah it actually sounds dope. The games won’t be available outside of the sub.
  8. You think you’re a part of some bigger scheme to get a shit ton of insults thrown your way in the sake of thinking “you’re baiting us”? imagine having those goals.
  9. Eek, if that post doesnt say it all. Jerry considers simply getting a response a win. Now I see what Jon was doing. Good guy Jon lol
  10. It doesn’t sound like we have any disgruntled ex customers. It sounds like we have a hooker who just openly admitted to robbing people. I guess if people aren’t willing to report, you can disregard centuries of rape?
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