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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I said the deal would go through all along. it played out… exactly how I predicted. Watch. He’s gonna lose his shit.
  2. Switch 2 is just the most logical name. they need to completely avoid the Wii U debacle.
  3. he actually thought he was right and the merger wasn’t going to go through
  4. I think the OLED model size is perfect. If you want bigger, you can dock. They can obviously minimize bezels to get a larger display though.
  5. Im saying they COULD, and you said they can’t because of R&D. R&D costs don’t stop other companies from releasing hardware yearly, do they? and I chose ford because ford & Sony are worth similar.
  6. It’s not a stupid idea unless you like using outdated tech, lol.
  7. It still would be. I’d imagine they’d go back ~5 years of support.
  8. Very specific games in very specific conditions, factory sealed. imagine waiting 30 years to get a ROI of $100 btw, rule of rose on ps2 is $25 on eBay. https://www.ebay.com/itm/305152503201?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=gqgx2_cxrma&sssrc=4429486&ssuid=&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
  9. it makes physical copies worth absolutely nothing more than the cost of the digital game. percieved value =/= real value. In 30 years these games will be worth a big fat $0.
  10. It would be the exact same thing as if they released a phone every three years. lol. Instead of the iPhone 13, 14 you’d go from the iPhone 12>15. That would suck. The 13 and 14 pushed things further than the 12, why would I want to use the 12 for 3 years? same reason I’d rather not use a ps5/series x/switch when they’re all weak at this point.
  11. Not really, it’s how innovation and progression happens. Just because they aren’t releasing a console yearly doesn’t mean they aren’t actively building the next one at almost all times. I don’t even think this would result in more units being made.
  12. Meaning they would be released yearly… and old hardware is phased out, or software can be exclusive for the “latest” hardware. Think about it, most of tech has already went this way. Smartphones and watches, Computers, tvs, cars, etc. Similar to phones, you will simply trade in your existing console for a decent return that you can then put toward the new one. i like this idea personally, but there are some downsides. While tech is always evolving, this would eliminate “gens” but devs would still be held back by the weakest supported hardware. I know some will se
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