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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. She said someone working 12 hours shouldn’t get paid more than someone working 8... if they’re both hourly. Wtf
  2. I don’t know why the focus on 4K. Focus on making the best looking games possible, not resolution requirements
  3. It’s kinda fucked up you restricted his posting despite knowing him irl
  4. I have game pass bc why not and I did download this. Wow is it hot trash. Never again
  5. I’m out fairly quick in some. This might be the game I add some of y’all in. Idk
  6. I placed 4th on my first game and outside of the the top 30 every game since ive played like 40 rounds in the last 24 hrs
  7. He was demoted to backup shortly after, if you think he is good you don’t watch football bro ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Just a FYI, holy shit. Best take on BR
  9. The nfl is full of players who are hungry for success, not handouts lmao. People aren’t going to start scheming against ways to get banned from the league lmfao jerry is such a sad man. @Jon2B
  10. The nfl paid him 60 mil, half of his contract in return he will never play in the league again, missing the chance to make 10x that gouk: the nfl got owned so hard
  11. And nah, he’s not better than one QB in the league dude is 31 and hasn’t played on 3 years
  12. 80 million is a lot less than what he would have made with a career in the NFL....lmfao
  13. And there is a major backlash against him as a sell out LMAO. He’ll never play in the nfl again.
  14. Just as much, when he played 4 years ago ...and was decidedly overpaid
  15. And we have our first pedophile defender, shocker it’s you hh
  16. https://www.cnn.com/2019/02/14/entertainment/r-kelly-investigation/index.html its all over for kelz
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