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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Imagine wanting to play a cart game but thinking Mario kart isn’t the way to go
  2. And could still continue to use it.....
  3. The trade off for wireless is worth a slightly worse sound. I’ll never go back to wired yikes. Now the ones I have are too “wirey” for me. How ppl workout with wired ones in 2019 idk
  4. What y’all rockin? I want to get AirPods but they just have to always say new ones are coming out... I’m getting sick of my wireless behind the neck kind tho.
  5. Who’s defending the rich ITT? All I said was white people freed slaves... bitch
  6. Plenty of millionaires from haiti, it’s possible wherever if you’re determined enough
  7. They live on island time bro. Island ppl don’t care about bettering much.
  8. What’s to be bitter about? im not asking anyone for money LOL
  9. https://m.windowscentral.com/microsoft-wants-bring-xbox-live-cross-platform-gaming-android-ios-nintendo-switch-and-more ...bringing XFlop Dead features to other platforms... FOR FREE lemmings love getting fucked by ms and handily paying that 60 a year
  10. Slavery still exists in prisons, no one says anything about that because we deemed them worthy of being slaves. Slavery will definitely exist again before humanity is over... shit it’s still happening all over the world today. Either way, it’s funny people forget who ended slavery in the US... it surely wasn’t black people.....
  11. I mentioned nothing about Jewish people ITT
  12. I’m interested since you’re so aware of the white mans “style”, what’s the black mans style? @kokujin
  13. Don’t call people evil if they could make your race slaves again. Insane to me. “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” is true. I will never be one to enslave anyone, but you push people and call them out for shit they didn’t do long enough you’ll turn those people into what you’re accusing them off ”not a cheater but if I’m accused might as well be”
  14. Pretty sure this game runs about 15fps on the OG XB1
  15. Agreed Every race has been enslaved at some point have a sexy white girl walk down the street in Compton at 2 am and see where she ends up slavery-shit can happen, and is simply a result of being in the minority if the country was 90% black people, whites would be slaves....RN
  16. First slaves brought to US were captured off Spanish people who already enslaved then though it couldn’t matter less, blacks people would still be slaves in America if white people didn’t stop it and they could be re-enslaved if all white people wanted to do it again, like the drop of a dime
  17. That freed slaves in the US and gave women voting rights that damn white man
  18. You just told me why android and Xbox sucked and I simply agreed
  19. Jerry is right though. And it’s the same reason android sucks, least common denominator will get the worse results. Xbox sells the worst, like galaxy phones, and no one gives a shit. 2nd rate will be 2nd rate. @jehurey
  20. Either way the is, and will be average at best, so what ya expect really
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