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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Nothing you do makes you a man. you aren’t a man in the slightest, a little boy if best LOL
  2. That doesn’t make you a man. Then by definition women are men.
  3. And when asked you what makes YOU a man you had no response
  4. See when I ask jerry why he’s a man, he can’t answer with straight answers. Lmao
  5. Yes, that’s all it took.. one post to prove you have no clue what the word “desperate” means lmaooo
  6. ITT I learned jerry has no idea what the word desperate means and how ironic he’s the one desperate for a change LOL
  7. Women don’t go around questioning if they’re men either ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  8. Jon wasn’t bitter once ITT, you’ve been bitter with every post! you are basically calling him a house n word all over LMAO
  9. We are talking about you being bitter. Lmao
  10. Lol judging by your meltdowns you hate lots of people. Us, not so much
  11. Remember when Jerry claimed he didn’t personally attack people? LOL still poor, still a virgin, still have no money I’m glad he can laugh about it though!
  12. Posting gifs isn’t making you any more money
  13. You gonna let Oz’s daughter in the bathroom with hariette Weinstein? LOL wait... he? Did you just assume?
  14. So butthurt others won’t pay for him... LOL
  15. here is Harvey. Harvey’s in jail now, but maybe he gets out in a few years. Harvey now identies as a woman. Again, only likes women, and young women at that, but he identies now as a woman is he in the bathroom talking tampons with y’alls daughter? You cool with that?
  16. here is Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar today decides he’s a woman, but realizes he doesn’t want to alter his body or mind in anyway. But he def is a girl deep down, and he still is grossed out by men and likes exclusively girls. Is he pissing in the stall next to your daughter? @jehurey @McWicked do you want him in the bathroom with your daughter and her friends? Maybe giving them sex advice?
  17. If a 100% normal looking man wants to use the woman’s bathroom as he identifies as a woman, can he? Again, he looks like a man bc he’s broke and can’t afford the surgery, and just enjoys having a beard and lifting weights, and dressing like a man, but Deep down he’s a woman, and a lesbian at that. Can he pee with the she?
  18. Can a white person say the n word with no reprocussions if they identify as black?
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