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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Oh look, Jerry & mike still begging others for money LOL
  2. What is this a revenge thread of? I literally just saw that ig post and chuckled.
  3. also, if a. 50 year old man identifies as a 16 year old boy, can he legally have sex with a 16 year old girl? what if I identify as a dog? Can I legally fuck dogs?
  4. Having someone pay your taxes for you won’t make you any richer Jerry and McBroke
  5. https://www.gamespot.com/amp-articles/xbox-live-error-causing-xbox-one-black-screens-and/1100-6464692/ LMAO
  6. If the tax rate was 5%, and they paid 5% and you did too, how does that make your life worse?
  7. I’m waiting mike. What does it matter if someone is richer than you?
  8. Imagine thinking if someone has more than you...that you’re entitled to some of it. IMAGINE that thinking... but only if you’re the victim. Anyone poorer than mike and Jerry don’t get a dollar from them, don’t forget that.
  9. 21% lmfao. “Most” again, if someone is rich, why are you so mad about it?
  10. Even if they were born rich, did their family not work for it? Lmao now you’re not only jealous of people, but the family they’re were born into why does someone else being rich matter to you?????
  11. Link that most rich people today are born rich? what a fucking claim.
  12. What I say, makes a claim then runs from it
  13. Except you don’t have free healthcare lol I guess it appears that way
  14. Lol at trying to distract Jon is willing to ban bet u
  15. Just depends on the plan. I pay like 100 a month thru my employer. Employer pays hundreds i have a2k deductible but I abuse the hell out of HSAs
  16. I don’t care about it, I’m just glad u realize ur not legally obligated to a raise anymore lmao
  17. I called blue cross, they no longer have the plan. I posted a receipt of the direct deposit taking place. I could probably pry bcbs more but jerry wouldn’t bet, like he won’t bet now lol
  18. I’m assuming this is thru the marketplace, most ppl have employer coverage
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