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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Good I’m glad you didn’t double down on it lmao
  2. Wait jerry can you tell us how legally your employer is required to give you a salary increase if you deny company Insurance again lmao
  3. Norway smaller than US cities do you run amazon like the laundromat down the street?
  4. Lmfao. Stopped reading at Norway norway is about the size of Fucking Rhode Island
  5. And there it is, proof of Jerry’s thinking in general lol what a loser mentality youll never win, because you don’t have the attitude to win. You get have a billion people all think just like you, but you’re all still losers, the winners will continue to win in life and y’all will continue to complain lol. Nothing to debate about really, I see your problem in life clear as day lol
  6. Seriously I’m sick to be associated with sheep, Mario kart broke y’all minds you don’t get rewarded for losing and you don’t get punished for winning. Shit I’d never play fantasy football with either of you. The rules are probably fucked to hell and back, oh you got last place this week? You get first in waivers fuck off with that backwards ass participation trophy attitude
  7. I support a system where if there are 10 people, and 10 apples, and there’s a race to collect them... if someone gets all 10, they are the man. Jerry and McBroke want a system where the above happens, but the person who gets 10 gives one to every person wanna know why? They’d never have a chance to collect even 1 on their own
  8. Why do you want people to pay more taxes than you?
  9. Why do you want people to pay more taxes than you?
  10. Why do you want other people to pay more?
  11. No. It’s not. Stop comparing yourself to other people. What does it matter if someone else is rich? It doesn’t. You aren’t. Focus on that.
  12. It’s about being fair and equal, it’s not about what I have vs what anyone else’s has you fool
  13. At that’s exactly how it should be. Those ppl making 50k one day desire to have 10 million a year or more, you and Jerry realize won’t ever be in your cards so your thought is of course tax these people unfairly
  14. An outlandish claim, now act like you never said it show me where I ever asked
  15. Yeah that’s what I’ll do, my life ended clearly when y’all ran to SS
  16. And now you’re going to spend youre ENTIRE day on SW what else would you have done? You have no money, no friends, no girl
  17. You make 10x posts a day about how the iPhone is a huge flop yet it outsells Samsung’s best effort 15:1 youre WORSE than Jerry
  18. Lol XBX is 5x stronger almost... bUT can only play the same games. Smh
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