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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. My Xbox one is on currently! Playing one of its best multi plats... the espn app
  3. I tried finding it but do we have his exact post quoting thisv
  4. I just love how jerry sits back and take it, you know he’s used to it at this point in his life LMAO
  5. Don’t go making money on me.. WAIT you can’t lmfao
  6. I’m so happy you’re no longer a delusional fool, well done
  7. No use continuing to LIVE for you, you contribute NOTHING, you’re a LOSER, you’ve never have a GIRLFRIEND, you’re a VIRGIN, you live with your family in your FOURTIES, you’ve worked the position at the same company for over 10 YEARS
  8. You don’t like the way I get money and women tho do you YOU FUCKING LOSER
  9. That your car you broke ass bitch? LMFAO
  10. This XB1, S, and X? Holy shit if true lolol it released over 5 years ago
  11. Still waiting for your response as to why bill gates being a billionaire means you cant make money
  12. Yet do I have to live with my family and jerk off every night like you? All while begging for other people’s money? LOOOOOOOOSER
  13. I don’t see a reason for either MS or Sony to ever release a next gen system (from a business stand point). They can just keep milking their current products and removing the oldest system each time. Hate hate HATE the model from a consumer aspect but I don’t know why they’d waste so much r&d $$ when they can just keep doing this
  14. Lmao wants to fit in so bad he said he’d be a loser if I was one LMAO
  15. Yep, that’s a good one except you’re STILL a loser, STILL have no money, STILL have no woman
  16. Notice how you’re a fucking loser who has no life, money, or women
  17. Prime example, I’d never want to go to bora bora and be jealous of those who go if I never knew it existed. Exposure makes greed amplify by a billion
  18. This is true, but it’s crazy bc it’s all greed. People are jealous of others people’s portrayal of life, even if most of the time that’s not how those people really live.
  19. No, people who have money don’t beg for others to pay for things for them because “life’s unfair” fucking LOOOOOSER
  20. Two things you’ll never have, money or a woman 729F62FF-1E8B-4D87-8B1B-1E3D48256D05.MOV
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