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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Nope he doesn’t deserve the money the poor people do imagine thinking this way lmao
  3. I’ll dumb it down for you. You’re broke because you are lazy and stupid
  4. You’ve yet to tell me why bezos being rich stops you from making your own money if anything, thank him for showing you a fucking way you ungrateful fuck
  5. Imagine thinking “if I have to pay the same rate as everyone else I can’t afford to live” LMAO
  6. I would have never been in that position
  7. School is an outdated concept, the internet can teach you ANYTHING YOU WANT TO KNOW. PEOPLE HAVE NO EXCUSE
  8. Many millionaires that dropped outta High school. How did they do it ?????
  9. And the fact that you said “might” proves me soooo right. Fucking greedy hypocrites.
  10. Why do you need to make that much? If you make 22k a year you have more than them. Give it up sweetie.
  11. Why should he get so much isnt the question fool, the question is why would anyone work for him for so little. STUPIDITY AND LAZINESS.
  12. I don’t want to hear one of you fucking losers claim you’re for equality, you’re trying to take from others so you don’t owe as much, yet when I reverse it and say something like ... 100k is more than enough, you say it’s not. If u r for taxing the mega rich higher you’re not About equality, you’re about greed, and If you truly believed it you’d be giving away 50% of your salary now. But you’re not. Because you’re greedy, lazy, entitled, and a fucking loser who thinks you have any right to tell people what they do and don’t deserve.
  13. I hope u fucking empty your pockets every single time you see a homeless person
  14. In a sea of losers it’s up to you determine how your life goes. Trump being rich, bezos being rich, none of that shit matters and should only be inspiration to a person motivated to succeed. It’s proof it can happen, instead you all whine and complain about life not being fair, which is why you’re al fucking losers and will remain as such bill gates being a billionaire effects your life in NO WAY POSSIBLE other than you being a jealous cunt, point blank, close the thread, nothing else needs to be said
  15. And why can’t you simply make more money? How did Jeff bezos do it? He wasn’t always rich. How did he manage to make money while being *gasp* taxed like everyone else? What is is he doing? He STARTED THE COMPANY AND DID EVERTHING, without him there is no amazon why does any one under him (who chooses to be a slave to him) deserve any more? What’s stopping them from starting their own biz other than stupidity and laziness? Answer that and I’ll never post ITT again
  16. Funnny how you’re all poor and begging for other people to pay your debt really funny actually. You’re a fucking loser, point blank dude, I hope you never forget you’re worthless
  17. And how does that stop you from making money?
  18. If there is 1 billionaire, or 10000 trillionaires... why does this have ANY impact on you making money?
  19. You musta taken that HGH I told you to take years ago then LMAO, well done
  20. Lmao 115lb vini calling anyone ugly lmfao
  21. I’d take you up on that but then you’d really be a broke bitch
  22. Speaking of blowing, enjoy sucking your brothers cock again for a room this month while I fuck my bitch and make money 729F62FF-1E8B-4D87-8B1B-1E3D48256D05.MOV
  23. He’s trying so hard to play it cool. He might end his life today
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