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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I didn’t vote for trump. Lmao right wing. I’m a fucking realist, work for what you want you fucking loser.. YOU ARE SAYING WHAT PEOPLE DESERVE AND WHAT THEY DONT. Im saying you deserve what you work to get, you’re saying others deserve what iWork to get lmfao WHY ARENT YOU RICH... ANSWER ME
  3. They’re willing to revolt but not work? LMFAO how is revolting going to give you more money?? LMAO!
  4. @Vini ask someone in Nigeria if you need as much money as you claim to have. Then go give it to them and end urself
  5. No, I don’t understand it, probably because I don’t sympathize with losers. But it I guess you do, considering you are one why arent you rich vini?
  6. Right, I bet, which is why I am begging others to pay more money bc I can’t afford it fucking loser
  7. So you are telling someone you don’t know they don’t deserve that much money. Fuck u dude, go get fucked in the ass
  8. Problem #1, you have no idea why you’re not and I’m not “rich” because until I have more money than anyone else in the world I’m not. But I have more money than you jerry gouk and vini combined and did before I was 21 lmao
  9. I sure will. You won’t.... ever, though
  10. That’s what the OP tells rich ppl to do why arent you rich mike? What’s the excuse?
  11. I’ll prove this. Why do you think you’re not rich? Go ahead, any of your losers answer PLEASE jerru you’ve had the same job for 10 years with no wage increases, why do you think that is?
  12. 80% of the population (and humans) are lazy and stupid. Not too hard to grasp.
  13. No I’d kill my self bc it would be too immoral Then I’d have losers like you claiming I’m a terrible person because I have more money than you
  14. And you’re probably the reason you got a f you fucking loser
  15. Plenty of RICH Mexican born Americans and new ones become rich DAILY, what’s your excuse jerry????? ITS SOOOOO UNFAIR!!
  16. Jerry thinks amazon is warehouse workers deserve a million a year. Lmfao. Jerry - start a business and pay your workers that then WHAT IS STOPPING YOU? YOUR IDIOTIC BRAIN AND LACK OF MOTIVIATION YOURE POOR BC YOURE STUPID AND LAZY
  17. You can tell the losers of SW, @Vini, @Goukosan, @jehurey, and @McWicked never did any work in group projects, but surely complained If they didn’t get an A LMFAO
  18. Are not all humans equal, a basic democratic belief?
  19. Holy duck how did I miss this. Ok You fucking loser, I think 12$ a hour is what you deserve. The rest will be taken away, don’t care how hard you work see how that’s fucking insulting?
  20. Nope, over 100k is rich enough! Tax them!!! !!!!!
  21. NO ONE FORCES THE POOR INTO POVERTY OTHER THAN THEMSELVES, PROVE ME WRONG or continue to be labeled as the fucking loser parasites you all are @jehurey @McWicked @Vini @Goukosan LOSERS
  22. What did amazon warehouse workers do to start a fucking billion dollar corporation? Moved some fucking boxes? Why should they get any more money. THEY DONT HAVE TO WORK THERE YOU RETARD ... IF THEY ARENT HAPPY TELL THEM TO START THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS AND STOP FUFILLING SOEMONE ELSES DREAM
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