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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. NO ONE FORCES THE POOR INTO POVERTY OTHER THAN THEMSELVES, PROVE ME WRONG or continue to be labeled as the fucking loser parasites you all are @jehurey @McWicked @Vini @Goukosan LOSERS
  2. What did amazon warehouse workers do to start a fucking billion dollar corporation? Moved some fucking boxes? Why should they get any more money. THEY DONT HAVE TO WORK THERE YOU RETARD ... IF THEY ARENT HAPPY TELL THEM TO START THEIR OWN FUCKING BUSINESS AND STOP FUFILLING SOEMONE ELSES DREAM
  3. How are you going to tel someone else they aren’t worth more than 3 billion when they started something that revolutionized the way the world works? Who the fuck are you to tell them they aren’t worthy of that extra money bc Jerry doesn’t work? Like I said, these are the proposals that get people killed, and it’s also the reason this shit won’t pass unless it’s seveeal decades later i swear u all make minimum wage. Lmfao
  4. Working smart > hard work your ass off the rest of your life digging a hole to China you fucking idiot ill take a plane and be there in 12 hrs
  5. And that’s why you’re a loser jerry. You don’t see anything, but it doesn’t mean they don’t work harder, smarter, and are 125x the value with the company that someone like ur dumbass has thanks for playing, And well losing, the game of life
  6. So why limit it there is what I’m saying. 100k per single adult is more than enough. Start taxing them at 70% over 100k, right?
  7. How many times is a multi millionaire or more a college or even high school drop out? Degrees are meant to HELP people, but the smartest people don’t need that shit. It’s a waste of time. Life’s a game and so is business, if u can’t find out how to win... you are either STUPID or LAZY
  8. I’ll say it again, anyone who is poor is either STUPID or LAZY and it’s a fact. 100%
  9. Jerry thinks ur bill gates lost all of his money, picked up a staffing job at 80k, he’s never see more money bc he’s only as smart as someone making 80k and outside of luck that’s all he ever deserved because he didn’t work any harder than anyone else fucking LOOOOOOOOSER
  10. Jerry you ready to tell us your disability?
  11. Why do you waste your brothers time by living with him because you can’t afford to live on your own? why do you want others to pay money when you won’t?
  12. You know what the middle class also elected? Your god, president trump. So again, tel me why you are telling others what to do with their money when you aren’t willing to do it yourself. Tell me exactly why other than “I think they can afford it more”
  13. Oh there it is, that person doesn’t know or deserve more than me, THEY JUST GOT LUCKY WAAAAAH coming from a guy with not one fucking skill. Just stop you fucking LOSER
  14. “We do demand” lmfao we poor people demand demand demand but refuse to work for it. Grow the fuck up or just log outta life you pathetic cunt
  15. So basically you’re saying “you have to do this because I think you have the luxury, of course this is without knowing you or your expenses” fucking RETARD. You do not have the right to tel anyone to pay something you’re not willing. Life isn’t fair jerry, but you definitely know that. So does your brother, imaging having a bro mooch of you because he thinks you have more money, despite you both being broke Ass bitches the rich will stay rich. They aren’t rich because they have money they’re rich because they have that attitude and won’t accept anything else
  16. This dumb cunt is basically a billionaire to people In Nigeria. How does she live with herself ?? Immoral bitch
  17. No jerry. Why do YOU think they aren’t worthy of that money and you are? Well go right back to calling you the fucking loser you are if you can’t answer that WHY YOU AND NOT THEM, WHAT MAKES YOU DESERVE IT? WHAT DID YOU DO? fucking loser
  18. You know what’s immoral? Acting like you deserve someone else’s earnings.. earnings they WORKED for. You know what’s immoral? Making 175k a year as a single person claiming to be “struggling” lmfao get real. Y’all are delusional. Hope this dumbass gets elected to something making over a million. SHELL CLAIM SHES STRUGGLING... at that point why limit taxes to 10 million? Anyone making over 150k filing single is loaded. Tax em 70% after 50k if they’re single!!!
  19. You are telling people that worked their asses off they don’t deserve the money they worked for WHY DO YOU THINK THAT IS OK?
  20. You’d suck my cock before you took 70% of my income over 10m if I made that much tell me why the fuck you think your broke ass Deserves anyone else’s money
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