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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Were you not outraged? At being compared to a “black person” (or a house n word, like you called @Jon2B.. remember that jon?) Let’s bump the thread, shall we. Lol look at your little bigoted ass trying to get people banned. How cute, bigot Jerry. Not gonna work, you’re just re-exposing your hating ass self.
  2. So you weren’t? Why are you waiting this long to change your mind? I asked you this immediately.
  3. You don’t know why you’re disgusted with the thought of being compared to black people? Or you don’t know if you hate them?
  4. Care to explain to low why you were disgusted with the thought of being compared with an African American? We know you hate gays, but don’t tell us you hate black people too jerry...
  5. It’s just a slope bro. You say 17!? Well, next time someone will say 16. Lol and so on and so forth.
  6. But why did cooke say he was gonna van the next person who tagged him? Why dont your try tagging him again?
  7. I’m not the one getting myself banned over something you caused
  8. Just make a tranny league in UFC and be done with it. Trannys fighting trannys
  9. I’m just offended that gillette has been raping humans since they started. It costs them 8 cents to make a razor.
  10. “Oh so I’m not a leftie.” is a statement. That right there is a declaration. Do you see a question mark? Nope its over for you, you hate liberals I guess, but also blacks, gays, and whites. Wow lol
  11. Oh ok, so you’re either independent or right wing. Either way, glad you realized you’re not a leftie.
  12. I’m going on what you’ve told me about alt rights and my experience with you posting. You clearly say you’re not left, you said independent is the worst, so you’re clearly a right leaning bigot. Prob not all right wingers are bigots, but you SURELY are.
  13. Yes, it does. It sounds like you just realized you’re a bigot, which means it would be hard for you to align with the left. So you switched, we all just witnessed it. Now make that apology thread.
  14. Thanks for the proof, alt right scum. You gonna go murder a few faggots (as you call them) for having those gay orgies that disgust you? How about lynching some black women for being black, and how dare they be compared to you? youre not gonna try to troll your way outta this one, you will be constantly reminded until you officially make a thread apologizing for your bigotry
  15. You said you aren’t a leftie.
  16. That makes sense. The left aren’t supposed to be bigots. Guess that makes jerry alt right, doesn’t it @Jon2B
  17. Not turning this around. You called people fags, called job a house n word, dropped the sp*c word, and acted offended to be compared to a black person we aren’t fooled, closest bigot
  18. How can someone make up a new gender that doesn’t exist? If it never existed, they made it up, right?
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