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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Yes, some black people are. Also, some Hispanic people are. Like you!
  2. Hell yeah I do. And he has been spotted saying f*ggot several times in this thread. Smh
  3. The fact that you think it matters WHO you call a “faggot” is alarming and even more proof of your bigotry. Sad
  4. Should we repost the posts? I’d be happy to expose you once more.
  5. Oh so maybe you didn’t call ME that, but you surely have called MANY others that. I’m offended by it. Now, yes let’s ask low, considering you claimed to be disgusted to be compared to a black person for some reason. You also said you don’t hang out with males because you “don’t participate in gay orgies”, despite no one mentioning them... the racist bigot strikes again......
  6. Saying a large amount of black people dislike gay people is neither racist nor false. More shocking subject changes by Jerry, it’s too bad he’s the only bigot in this thread. About time he was exposed. Maybe you want to call me a faggot again?
  7. What racism? You’re the one who said you don’t want to be compared to blacks and that you hate gays. Yikes, he’s a even bumping old threads to try to save face now. Sorry - your bigotry certainly stands the rest of time.
  8. So not only do you defend your bigotry, you’re PROUD. I’m not trying to do anything to you besides point out that you’re a bigot. Which I’ve done, numerous times.
  9. This isn’t about me. It’s about YOU. Stop trying to run. Did you think it was COOL to be a bigot 12 years ago? If not 12, how about 6 years ago?
  10. So it was cool to be a bigot 12 years ago to you?
  11. Sorry; don’t answer bigots who hate gays and blacks.
  12. Oh, I tried to get you banned? Is that why you tagged cooke in 4 posts in a row? why dont you try that again, Jerry?
  13. It costs them about .08c to make one, fyi.
  14. Anyway, back to the topic of Gillette making a comm telling men to be THE BEST THEY CAN BE despite raping humans for razors with a massive mark up. Irony?
  15. @jehurey Well that didn’t work, did it jerry?
  16. I actually have a new signature idea. I think you’ll like it a lot, Jerry.
  17. 4 posts in a row tagging Cooke, all because I exposed you. LOL you can tell he’s sweating hard now.
  18. Is there something wrong with black people? Seems like it if you’re upset about being compared. This is gonna get good. We know you hate gays, but tell us about how you hate blacks now too.
  19. Aaaaaand it’s confirmed. Jerry is a bigot.
  20. Too much of a faggot to give a speech? Why you say that, Jerry? You must think gay people just suck dick.....ALL DAY? And why does that make him a “faggot” anyway? Weird to see someone support the left, but also HATE gay people. I guess most blacks do this anyway, and Jerry is close enough to that anyway. So I guess it fits?
  21. Yep. Let him take a look himself. You called him a faggot if you think I called you that. But there you go, saying more deragotry terms.
  22. To expose someone who self admitted that they hate faggots? Yeah, let’s see what Cooke says about it.
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