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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. There is not once ounce of credible science that supports more genders
  2. If someone truly identifies as a female (again, for a male, this is is impossible as they’ve never been female) how could they ever have regret? https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.newsweek.com/transgender-women-transgender-men-sex-change-sex-reassignment-surgery-676777%3famp=1 Does this mean that it’s acrually just a case of someone wanting something they can’t have? BINGO.. outside of mental illness, no one truly wants one. They just think they do.
  3. Nothing more to say. And a question I’ll leave you with: how can someone identify as something they’ve never been? They don’t know the identity of what they’re trying to become. Lmao.
  4. It’s just so funny bc men could Worldwide enslaved women within the next 48 hours and the only defense would be other men.
  5. As for herms, one set usually doesn’t work or neither work. They are mutations, but not in a good way. They are errors. Any human produced that can’t replicate is an error. Being gay gay might be a trait in all of us to end our own species for whatever reason for all we know. This isn’t insensitive, it’s looking at the reason for homosexuality. There is a reason, we just don’t know yet.
  6. What is this?! REGRET?! https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.thewrap.com/caitlyn-jenner-experienced-sex-change-regret-might-de-transition-biographer-says/amp/ well if you identidy as a female, get a transition, regret it, did you EVER biolicaly think you were a woman? No, you wanted to be a woman bc it seemed more appealing you bc you WERENT one. How is can you identify as something you have no idea what they are feeing? Men will NEVER understand pregnancy, men will NEVER have some of the things women go through. You can’t truly identify as something you don’t
  7. The results have been communicated: there are two genders. Though, you can again, say whatever you want. I can identify as a giraff. According the the vast majority of the world, I’m still a man. The majority is what makes “facts.” There are no “facts” that the majority of the world disagree with. Caitlyn Jenner is a man. 100%, no questions asked. I have no problem with them wanting the appearance of a woman. Go for it. But you’re a man, lol.
  8. Don’t care what people do with their bodies at all, I don’t even care what they call them self. But Bruce Jenner will ALWAYS be a man. Always. He can call himself a woman, but he’s a man. Sorry bro.
  9. @Cookester15 anyone on SW believe in more than two genders? Didn’t see anyone agree with it ITT. I’d love to have a discussion with them, tho
  10. What arguement? You didn’t make one claim in your entire post. Anyway, as I said, I’ll no longer be responding to spam posts ITT. Scroll up and see if you want to be part of the debate, otherwise, It’ll be pretty quiet ITT for you.
  11. Guess we don’t need to respond to Jerry’s spam posts. Anyone wanna debate there being more than two genders? Because there’s not.
  12. Kinda like how you change the subject every 5 posts. Still waiting for your your stance on genders, in a thread about stances on genders.
  13. Whole bunch of nothing ITP. Just like people who think there are more than two genders.
  14. @Cookester15 here we have jerry again attempting to derail. We heard his take on climate control, but as you can see, he isn’t willing to discuss the thread subject in here. Time for a vacation where he can go roast in that global warming
  15. That’s nice. Now what’s your opinion on genders since we know you’re pro cc? @Cookester15 let’s see if he answers
  16. *looks at thread title* @Cookester15 maybe we should get jerry outta here since he can’t stick to topics?
  17. Means I lose? I’m not playing a game you fool. you’re all speculation, if not, post your scientific PROOF bc I’ll easily be able to debunk it
  18. That last sentence of yours describes your post. And Jerry, since you know, what is going to happen? I’d LOVE to know.
  19. Same with the right alt. The right alt and the left alt are basically the same people with opposite ideas. Not much else, they’d probably all be friends if they didn’t know their political stance.
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