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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Repeating my posts until fortnite is released for android im going to make you post ITT every day until it does
  2. Just like you thought android had good app support... but NOPE
  3. Thanks bro, I’m actually the leanest I’ve been in years in terms of raw weight
  4. I’m aware fool, I have one doesn’t mean youre gettin my info
  5. He actually thinks epic accomplished releasing fortnite on android... but NOPE! Still not out
  6. Bizarre why any one would think I’d give out my friend code after a decade of not doing so before. Smh @Goukosan
  7. Bc it’s fucking epic. Been playing the hell out of it
  8. Haha I live in Pittsburgh and its winter bro, I’m hardly tan @ this time of the year
  9. Drove away.. just like good app support for android!
  10. Just like epic doesn’t know what to do to get fortnite released on android
  11. Must have been lag.. like how android can’t run fortnite bc it lags too badly
  12. Sunken dreams of playing a released version of fortnite on android
  13. Sunken dreams of playing a released version of fortnite on android
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