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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. My contacts are -8.5 btw. They could be -100000000, it doesn’t matter, as long as your eye is healthy you won’t “go blind”
  2. Can’t do something properly... sort of like how epic can’t release fortnite properly on android it cant even run it
  3. Self centered, unlike how fortnite is uncentered around android as evident by 7 months in beta!
  4. He’s so self centered, LMAO. He gets owned for the 5th time ITT. Ironicaly, we’re on the 5th month of BETAs for Fortnite on Android. Lmao!
  5. Why did I create this thread jerry? You don’t even know that ... JUST LIKE FORTNITES RELEASE DATE FOR YOUR SECOND RATE OS
  6. True or false: Android still doesn’t have a released version of Fortnite. Thats all that matters
  7. You ready to answer? Im willing to ban bet if you cant tell me the release date for androids version of fortnite
  8. He wouldn’t won’t even address me now, I’ve smoked him
  9. Stick with that diet for a year and we will see who looks better after it
  10. The absorption speed is the difference between the three types (fats/proteins/carbs) to diminish the sigificance of how quickly it is absorbed is bizarre
  11. The only thing that matters for losing weight is to burn more calories than you intake. Literally a fact
  12. Carbs may equal sugar but there are different types of sugar that effect your body differently
  13. Well we know this fool loves his vodka so there ya go. Whatever bro, do what you want, but that’s not how you’re supposed to eat as a human and it will catch up with you (aza)
  14. Yeah why waste time with a dude taking bites into loafs of fat
  15. A carb from fruit or broccoli is not treated as a candy bar by your body, you have no idea what you are talking about you probably think fiber is bad for you too since it’s a “sugar”
  16. Holy shit, there it is! The jerry go round
  17. now he is running to mods, sorry bud, that won’t make it release on android either. look at all this proof of subject changes lmao
  18. He actually thought it was released for android, lmao!!! 8 months later and you’re still in beta android and jerry stay losing lmao 8 months more subject changes wont get that release date faster WHERES it AT? @Goukosan perhaps you’d like to tell me how you were proven right, Jerry seems to think y’all thought it would take 8+ months the WHOLE time. Did you guys know android support really sucked this bad?
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