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Long Ball Larry

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Posts posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. On 2018-12-25 at 1:37 AM, jehurey said:

    This guy is LITERALLY butthurt and trying to restart an argument from almost a year ago


    I don't need to cling to "my 60 days"......................because its not "my 60 days"


    Sweetie, you know you lost this, trying to move over to another subject isn't going to help you. :lawl:


    Its almost as if he made a thread called "let's make fun of sandtraps LOL!!" and then he proceeds to fall into a sandtrap.:kaz::kaz::kaz:

    Did it take longer than “months” to release on android?


    well, then I won, and won big time. Remember when it released on beta (:D) and you downloaded it within minutes! Lmao you were so desperate :juggle:


    this thread is beautiful :love:

  2. BUT, Jerry, I still want to know. Since the developer didn’t mean Android would get it months later, and well, they did... still not released, how do you make sense of your post? 


    You cant :juggle: cling to your 60 days, but really, all I needed to give you was 30. You said it wouldn’t be released months later, 2 months is 60 days, and well we are now at 8 months and STILL no release .. LMAO! 


    Bu buuuuu  


    and now folks, we get the jerry go round. B)  


    All Christmas long :juggle:

  3. 6 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Oh, so its Jerry: 2, Ghostz: 0


    I never saw your first thread. lol


    Good thing you caught me on this one.


    What with me changing the subject:

    Why in the world would I ask you to prove where I said anything about 60 days?:tom:This guy actually lost an OLD argument in his OWN thread. lol

    I didn’t make the first thread, as I mentioned, lmao jerry stay self owning himself :tom:

  4. 57 minutes ago, McWicked said:

    Make a thread tryna mock Jerry.  Get locked on the Jerry-go-round. 


    Jerry: 1 - Ghostz: 0

    I made this thread because the other thread got locked, but the first wasn’t mine. I wanted to see jerry impressions, I got one. Ghostz: 1000, jerry: baited 

  5. 18 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    :tom:oh my god......he's literally so butthurt that he's trying to reboot an entire argument from almost a year ago.:tom:









    where...........did..........i.............type..............that?  He made this entire thread to embarass himself.:lawl:

    Lmfao. Classic jerry. Asks for proof, then claims I’m restarting the arguement. Here we are folks! :D 

  6. 3 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    you embarrassing yourself in a thread about me. that you created for me?


    absolutely, its a perfect display.:blessed:

    Jerry - if you say something is not “months” away, it means it’s under two months, generally 60 days. Or were you saying that indeed fortnite would NOT be released anytime after iOS? Either way, my overall point about android app support remains... iOS got the full version on like 4/10, android is STILL in beta. You lost, android lost, you’re embarrassing yourself with every post you make 


    now do as the thread title says 

  7. Just now, jehurey said:

    Asking it again............where............was.........the..........subject..............change.


    And also.............was it me that claimed that?????


    Find the post where I said that. lol

    Was it, Jerry? :tom5:


    more subject changes Incoming, LMAO

  8. 1 minute ago, jehurey said:

    No. I actually made fun of rufflesselfpwndez in the election thread for three weeks for trying to run away from his own claim that he made, and I literally typed his claim for three stragith weeks while he tried to get away from it.


    You see that...........that was an example. I named the person, and I named the thread.


    Go ahead, post your example. I'll wait.

    The time you claimed fortnite would be available in under 60 days on android following iOS release. 

  9. And the end of the day, people should be able to do what they want at after 18 and be forced to live with the consequences (if they feel there are any). BUT...


    i do not have to fund it in anyway. That’s the only thing I’d be mad about. But I don’t believe I’m currently, so whatever. 


    But man I’d say as Many as 80% will regret their decision to “change” sexes

  10. 9 hours ago, TLHBO said:

    Ah and now he makes a thread about me. It's obvious I'm living inside his head. He must still be REELING from the BUTTHURT I unleashed upon him.


    It's like when a man slips on a bananna skin and lands on a dildo that penetrates his ass. Sure he can claim it was an accident BUT it was HE who left the bananana skin on the floor.

    5 stars! :D 

  11. 18 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    Oh, what to do about nothing.  Ghosts will now reply to this thread, and reply some more.  If the added circumfrence of his anus before and after is 666, I have owned the devilish grin out of his inner man-child. :holeup:

    Wait, I gotta use o' simplar words.  



    If you're reading this, I'm Jerry and I have already owned you. PROOF.  :holeup:





    Breh, you sittin' down right now?  


    OOOWNED.  :holeup:  I bet you can't-stand to be in my Magic Trick. 

    Classic jerry ramble! :D 

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