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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Solid Black Friday not it quite sure what I want to do with the second switch yet, might keep it or might use it for a gift. Got it for essentially $200 so yolo also got some new boots, new jacket, new gloves, new swim suit and a few other random things. Overall spent around 3500 but really not bad
  2. Holy shit, EPIC TLBHO also ms has released 2 new editions in 5 years.. smh
  3. Probably gonna pop on to cheap Caribbean frkday to see if they have any deals
  4. Probably gonna pop on to cheap Caribbean frkday to see if they have any deals
  5. Don’t like the selection on game pass, but if you do.. it’s double the price so you should have double the fun.. anyhow yea as a sports fan it’s an incredible deal. Spots games are the only thing my switch lacks, hope that changes soon bit for now $30 a year is all I need to spend in games More or less. Amazing .. plus I get access to shit tier games like bfv which are quick to remind to me stick to sports games on Xbox .. TLHBO
  6. Prove me wrong. Flat out, $5 a month or $30 a year for access to 10 hours of all games or full access after ~6 months. You gotta ask yourself.. if you had the choice, would you buy a game for $60 or if they said you rent it for $30 for a YEAR...what would you do? How many games do you play for 1+ years? Outside of the Nintendo gems, most games simply don’t have replay value. EA access or whatever it is on PC too is the GOAT for second rate gaming, TCHBF
  7. Yeah I smoke a lot. Lol. I suck the oils down like no other
  8. I dunno. I don’t really get high. I just get normal lol you know .. and these vape pens make your tolerance sky rocket. I get em shipped from cali for $25 a piece, I go through about 3gs a week
  9. I have some cbd right next to me. Regular weed is superior.
  10. I honestly think it’s a placebo but placebos are great.
  11. How I feel until I got somethin fine with its legs spread in front of me
  12. I’ve probably shagged near 200 women or so in my life and probably used a condom 10% of the time. Lol no children and no stds. But I agree I’m being dumb
  13. Lol my girl doesn’t even hook up w anyone. Just doesn’t care if I do. I use protection sometimes. Sometimes not. Sometimes my gf joins. She’s bi.
  14. Meh. It’s like drinking non alcoholic beer.
  15. Fair enough totally, and usually the sentiment of my friends, but I just keep making new friends when I go out? Most are usually my age, other degenerates I guess lol
  16. You don’t go there for the college kids lol obv you go for the bitties. Pittsburgh finest love their $6 vodka waters @ the flats bro. We should prob meet up some night before we die.
  17. One of the countries most popping bar scenes. (Southside in Pittsburgh pa) And I’m in my mid thirties, long term girlfriend who’s cool with an open relationship, and I just can’t stop slaying pussy. No joke this isn’t a bait thread, this is I’m that weird old man at the club that picks up at the club thread, but why isn’t it getting old? shit some nights I feel like I’m 21 still. In peak shape, peak looks, more money than ever, less fs given. Weird. Have a grandfather who is 95 who still flies a fucking airplane. Asked him how he feel. He said 25, but his body ge
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