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Long Ball Larry

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Posts posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. 15 minutes ago, lostfool said:

    Nope.  You see gay in nature not bisexualism.  Cooke has a mental disorder. 

    And... it’s a mutation in nature too? Lol we are a part of nature, so no shit. I don’t know. It is probably a fail safe mechanism for our species to stop replicating if needed, and it’s can probably be turned on/activated in anyone.. most likely triggered by environmental circumstances. 

    • Like 1
  2. It’s an illness if you want to call it that, but so are many other things.. addiction to technology being pretty big. Addiction to pretend things.. digital things with no real value.. etc.


    Doesnt mean they aren’t people, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve rights. But it’s a slight mutation. The vast majority of humans ever to exist aren’t trans, so it’s out of the norm when someone wants to be. Interesting that people are learning to choose it occasionally now that the idea is out there, though, I think a lot of trans people will one day regret their transition. 


    The biggest appeal to being trans at a subconscious level is simply wanting something you can have 


    but what happens when you can’t go back ? You’ll eventually want to most likely, and that’s simply bc you “can’t” 


    ... odd high talks on the shitter 

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  3. 6 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Its a nice service especially if you like EA sports games. Im a subscriber. 

    GamePass is better tho.

    Don’t like the selection on game pass, but if you do.. it’s double the price so you should have double the fun.. 


    anyhow yea as a sports fan it’s an incredible deal. Spots games are the only thing my switch lacks, hope that changes soon bit for now $30 a year is all I need to spend in games More or less. Amazing .. plus I get access to shit tier games like bfv which are quick to remind to me stick to sports games on Xbox .. TLHBO 

  4. Prove me wrong. 


    Flat out, $5 a month or $30 a year for access to 10 hours of all games or full access after ~6 months. 


    You gotta ask yourself.. if you had the choice, would you buy a game for $60 or if they said you rent it for $30 for a YEAR...what would you do? How many games do you play for 1+ years? 


    Outside of the Nintendo gems, most games simply don’t have replay value. EA access or whatever it is on PC too is the GOAT for second rate gaming, TCHBF

  5. 4 minutes ago, kokujin said:

    enjoy it man.  I did the same with Liq and i dunno, it was messy but part of it was thrilling and shit. 

    I dunno. I don’t really get high. I just get normal lol you know .. and these vape pens make your tolerance sky rocket. I get em shipped from cali for $25 a piece, I go through about 3gs a week

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