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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I love ab 9 mins outside of sq hill. (1 min closer than jonb bc he plays xbox) that’s a legit truth ask him let’s discuss it @jehurey
  2. Who’s denying I said that? Anyhow, back to you referring to all blacks as thugs who do street crime... WOW!
  3. Was I even talking to you? all you want to do is talk “guns” (ok hillbilly) yet you’re out here responding to every non-gun post ITT
  4. That is a WELL known term to describe black people. Throw in street crime, yeah, you’re not fooling anybody.
  5. Like you know that’s not on Jerry begging for people to talk to him
  6. Thugs? @Cookester15 we have a racist term for blacks people here. BAN HIM! but unless you’re an expert (prob have family ties) in crime, how would you know?
  7. Criminal thugs wouldn’t be able to buy guns because the black market raised them to high? Who runs the black market jerry?
  8. Jerry’s plan to eliminate gun violence: -limit it to 3 per person (but you can get more if you lose a few) -tax those who have more -no more hunting bc who cares -black market will rapidly increase -gun prices will go up -US will somehow profit when they seize the hundreds of millions of illegal guns with 100% of ATF and the FBIs resources over the next 20 years. The ATF and FBI don’t need to hire anymore people, says Jerry. no more gun violence now
  9. Jerry wants us to ban guns so black markets boom, resulting in the government getting “lucrative” busts because the costs of guns will go up. This is the guy you defend, bro.
  10. If I ran, how am I still here? Who’s the one who said “don’t know” how much will this tax be jerry? That is a BIG factor in your little plan.
  11. ITT we learn jerry has no idea about hunting. I’ll let Cooke take this one.
  12. Lmfao if this don’t explain jerry, what does? @Jon2B also @McWickedSmawt85 just called jerry a bitch?! Finally still don’t know why you support black markets for guns w ya boy jerry tho lmaooo
  13. Lmfao, he just said he owned 9 guns you fool your little program eliminated hunting entirely lmfao
  14. You see jerry, I’m still waiting for YOUR plan to resolve gun violence. You think people can have three guns, but if they ever lose or have two stolen, they can’t buy any more for 5 years! You think this will stop gun violence! Lmao! Hunters need more than 3 guns. Is hunting no longer legal?
  15. No, I’m asking you, WHAT happens if someone STEALS my gun, TWICE? ARe you saying I’m no longer allowed to have a gun to protect myself?
  16. Look at how these fools are so desperate to change the subject from gun control to racism. My simple question is what if someone loses a gun? Jerry came back with racism and bullet points on why him and @McWickedSmawt85 support black markets. Lmao! also Cooke, think we are gonna need to teach jerry a lesson here unless I can just start calling people racists for no reason too. @Cookester15
  17. No, I specifically said a term describing people that do not have citizenship. You associated it with Hispanics, because you’re probably self loathing for whatever reason. Cooke agreed with me, does he need to give you a refresher? @Cookester15
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