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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. This is all jerry has folks. Can’t argue facts, so he claims black markets are good and then goes into the jerry loop after failed attempts at getting me banned. He’s broken.
  2. I love how the only way you can argue with me is to.... play dumb.
  3. Show me one time I mentioned Hispanics. I’ll wait. Anyhow, tell us more about how the black market for guns booming is a good thing
  4. Good. Because having an issue with one and not the other is Jerry level retardation
  5. Well using the same logic, there’s a very minor amount of guns being used for violence ... yet you want to ban that also .. 100k illegal Canadians be 12.1m illegal latinos
  6. Lmao Jerry cried to Cooke and got shut down. For the record, JERRY, I wasn’t being racist, I was proving someone could easily have two guns stolen so your little ATF meetings are retarded. Plus, how they gonna meet with thousands of people when their whole deptmartment is out searching for illegal guns?
  7. and with that, sweet dreams jerry. I know it’s only lunch break rn for you, so enjoy that evening shift thinking about how you got demolished ITT
  8. He had the 3 plus one he bought on the black market
  9. Because an illegal stole my gun twice so now my gun license is suspended for 5 years and I have to explain my innocence to ATF in my living room ... THAT makes me racist?
  10. If that was your law the crime could happen in 500 years
  11. You already told me my license was suspended for 5 years! what are you gonna investigate? I was robbed bitch ! Twice ! By an illegal
  12. So you mean... the crime that happened SATURDAY could still...very well happen in your world?!?!
  13. WAIT what is ATF gonna say in this visit to my house? LMAO!! Do I have to let them in? Can I tel them to suck my nuts? Can I call the police to get these intruders off my lawn as I feel threatened and DONT HAVE A WEAPON TO PROTECT MYSELF FROM STRANGE MEN TRESSPASSING ON MY PROPERTY? @jehurey
  14. This is truly the most bizarre shit I’ve ever read wtf is he thinking? Lmao he says it’s good for there to be a black market for guns
  15. AND where does that money go? Wtf? Why is this a good thing??? You don’t make money by busting criminals
  16. You never said that would be a problem, Jerry. What if these guns weren’t confiscated? Why can’t I appeal? Can you PROVE I gave these guns away? I’m SUING the government for defamation... How many can a single person own, Jerry?
  17. Yeah no shit a black market will grow, why are you acting like that’s a good thing? Lmao
  18. Okay. Why would I not say... buy one, lose it...aka sell it, and do it over and over again? Lmao! How many can a single person own jerry?
  19. You don’t have an argument. You just said you’d use all employees of ATF and FBI to track down guns on the black web to stop people from committing mass murder.
  20. Lmao so ATF and the FBI are allocating 100% of their resources over 20 years to get the job done @Jon2B im just glad they’re already doing such a great job, which is why it’s no longer a problem
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