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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Lmao so ATF and the FBI are allocating 100% of their resources over 20 years to get the job done @Jon2B im just glad they’re already doing such a great job, which is why it’s no longer a problem
  2. Nothing is lucrative about hunting down criminals. Lol what? anyone can make a gun you retard
  3. No, they are more than capable of handling this in addition to their current workload jerry told me
  4. So jerry, few follow up questions now that guns are under control. How many guns can a single person have? What if they “lose” one? What if one is “stolen”? Does hunting no longer exist?
  5. Oh, so just keep doing what they’re doing. Looks like they’re doing a pretty good job. Guess our gun problem is pretty much under control.
  6. Oh so the cops are just adding this to their list of duties. It wouldn’t require an extensive program on a federal scale. Forgot about that.
  7. So are you breaking into people’s homes and taking them? Who’s paying for this program?
  8. Because prohibition has worked... ever! no more hunting then, eh?
  9. 80% of gun related crimes are from unregistered guns. How y’all plan on stopping that?
  10. I’m sure most people would give up their guns more willingly if they knew all others would, but that just wouldn’t happen.
  11. So you are trying to tell others what they need to feel secure? 98% of owners go without incident.
  12. What kind of question is this? Why would anyone want to have a weapon to defend themself? Lol what?
  13. Say whatever you want about 20 years from now. You’ll be dead by then, lmfao. I’m talking about now, today, tomorrow, and the next fucking decade.
  14. The majority of people who commit murder are black tho so these little stats don’t work
  15. Loses a big aspect of the game.. portability, but enjoy if you haven’t already!
  16. Well that’s the gap they fill. The games that don’t have the creativity. GTA works best with this tho.
  17. The game doesn’t look that great in screens. Should I get it for my bunk ass Xbox one (og)?
  18. But yeah the thread title is true af. This happened 10 min from me
  19. It’s not mental illness. It’s diverisity. If there were no Jews in America, this wouldn’t happen. Not saying Jews are to blame, I’m showing how diversity creates these situations. America is the only country is the world that allows people from any background to come and is as diverse as it is. Sure there are others, but they’re much smaller. America is just made up off too many mindsets for there to ever be a “normal”.
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