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Long Ball Larry

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Posts posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Just now, Ramza said:

    I hope people realize guns are also legal in Canada. Forget about automatic assault rifles but you can still get hunting rifles, shotguns, crossbows, etc. 


    You could easily go on a killing spree against non armed citizens with a shotguns or a rifle with a scope. And yet it happens a lot less frequently. 


    Either assault rifles are the problem, or the mental illness of America are, or both.

    It’s not mental illness. It’s diverisity. If there were no Jews in America, this wouldn’t happen. Not saying Jews are to blame, I’m showing how diversity creates these situations. America is the only country is the world that allows people from any background to come and is as diverse as it is. Sure there are others, but they’re much smaller. America is just made up off too many mindsets for there to ever be a “normal”. 

    • Like 1
  2. 19 minutes ago, Goukosan said:

    You actually believe this shit? :drake:



    Yes, are you retarded? The entire country would go down if they attempted to take guns back. Not only that, they’re out numbered and half the military would drop out if not more 


    but it it will never happen because you have to be elected. Anyone who proposed that would never even make it to the ballots

  3. All these little cute programs y’all come up with are just that. Cute.  This dude was a functioning member of society, owned a business, several

    houses, etc. this wasn’t some retard, but the real question is, why the Fuck would a 46 year old with no prior record do something like this? This guy would have passed any test y’all gave him before he got his guns 

    • Upvote 1
  4. 4 hours ago, S#$@%^i said:

    A start would be to ban guns.  And then have raids on any person suspected of having an illegal firearm.  I know that's difficult but it's likely the only real solution.


    It may take 20 years or more to see a significant difference but in the long run could be a solution.

    The us gov would flat out lose a war against its own population if they tried that shit. Lmao!

  5. 11 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Did you not see my original post? I said when neither is abused, regular intake of alcohol is near harmless, the same cannot be said of marijuana, not only cognitively but physically as well. 


    You're speaking in terms of abuse which I acknowledge alcohol is far worse, but regular use is not abuse. 

    Except which one is abused more?

  6. 9 hours ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Alcohol is more destructive when abused, weed is more destructive in general. It absolutely messes up your cognitive function not to mention lungs just from regular use. 

    Some of the hardest working people in the world smoke weed. My imparied ass high AF on weed will outdo your ass on 99% of human testing abilities besides knowing a law book you don’t even believe in. 

  7. Ghostz



    -I wouldn’t do much. I hate moderation. Think of me as Ron Swanson of moderating. 

    -I wouldn’t abuse it like gouk and countless others 


    bonus: I have some really cool ideas to make this forum way more appealing / modern 


    you guys have implemented things within the last ~2 yrs that I suggested a decade ago 

  8. 19 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Did you just say that you spend more time customizing your home screen than you do actually using apps?


    Or are you trying to run away from the argument, because you know you lost it so bad. LOL


    I'm fine with either scenario.:kaz:

    The fact that you don’t know what I’m talking about makes this convo irrelevant 

  9. 9 hours ago, jehurey said:

    Nope. what do you do on the home screen.............and for how long?


    I love how you are realizing that you screwed up here, so now you are trying to shift to general jokes about Android....yeah, that's not going to work.


    I love that I have you in this argument, now. LOL


  10. 20 minutes ago, jehurey said:

    Except he HAS TO USE TWO HANDS when he's on an app.


    Now..........do you spend the majority of your time on your phone staring at the home screen...........or within an app????


    :kaz:I love that he is entering an argument that he already knows he's going to lose.

    Apparently the home screen, isn’t that the big deal with android? LMAO!

  11. 2 hours ago, jehurey said:

    lol. i love how his butthurt is spilling into another thread.


    And I love how cooke still admitted to using two hands. So, I didn't get owned, I was correct with what I said.


    LOL ghost can't even succeed here.

    He flat out said he can do it with one hand from

    the home screen. Lol keep up gramps 

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