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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. I forgot about this prince of Persia game. Perfect switch game.
  2. Mario vs DK!! Nintendo is out of control Jesus!!!! Absolute PEAK
  3. Gouk: PS5 has an AMAZING line up. Best place to play! Sane person: oh yeah? What do they got coming? Gouk: two remakes and a game over a year away. Shit is LIT!!!! Sane person:
  4. I mean I could have… though I didn’t really start rocking a beard until around 10 years ago. I’m not sure why you are so blown away by it lol. I wasn’t the only kid at school with facial hair at 14. I started getting a mustache in like 6th grade. It wasn’t cool to be hairy when you were young lol
  5. I’m sure you did between playing Xbox and scouring Reddit for porn, you don’t even play your (nephews) ps5
  6. I’m a hairy mother fucker. If I didn’t shave anything, my beard would connect to my hair under my ears, go down my body to my feet. Luckily the only place I don’t grow much is my back. Italian genes I suppose
  7. For those with AirPos, I think this is an ios17 feature. It’s awesome, I’m using it now.
  8. Adaptative audio for AirPods. Holy shit apple does it again
  9. No, I said it looks about as good as another PS exclusives. I was right.
  10. FF is awful and Starfield wasn’t hyped by me, but we’ve both played more of it than FF
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