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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Gouk: PS5 has an AMAZING line up. Best place to play! Sane person: oh yeah? What do they got coming? Gouk: two remakes and a game over a year away. Shit is LIT!!!! Sane person:
  2. I mean I could haveā€¦ though I didnā€™t really start rocking a beard until around 10 years ago. Iā€™m not sure why you are so blown away by it lol. I wasnā€™t the only kid at school with facial hair at 14. I started getting a mustache in like 6th grade. It wasnā€™t cool to be hairy when you were young lol
  3. Iā€™m sure you did between playing Xbox and scouring Reddit for porn, you donā€™t even play your (nephews) ps5
  4. Iā€™m a hairy mother fucker. If I didnā€™t shave anything, my beard would connect to my hair under my ears, go down my body to my feet. Luckily the only place I donā€™t grow much is my back. Italian genes I suppose
  5. For those with AirPos, I think this is an ios17 feature. Itā€™s awesome, Iā€™m using it now.
  6. What am I lying about? Iā€™m a hairy mother fucker.
  7. lol itā€™s tomorrow at 2 pm pacific, thatā€™s all Sony is showing. Multiplats šŸ¤£
  8. Adaptative audio for AirPods. Holy shit apple does it again
  9. No, I said it looks about as good as another PS exclusives. I was right.
  10. FF is awful and Starfield wasnā€™t hyped by me, but weā€™ve both played more of it than FF
  11. Iā€™ve had an absolute blast with it and havenā€™t really encountered any real issues. It froze one during saving but it still actually saved. Iā€™ve reached full level weapon mods and my shot gun spreads disease to enemies. lol. I guess I can see why some may not like it, itā€™s a lot more linear than previous BGS games, but Iā€™m loving it. Probably my second favorite game this year behind TOTK.
  12. Nice! Gamepass is legit banging right now. Starfield (Iā€™m 70+ hours in, near end game now though), Lies of P, PayDay 3 (guilty pleasure), Forza Motorsport 7, and City Skylines all in like a one month span.
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