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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. He just goes against the grain for views. he does it on almost every issue. Now that you know this, watch it before your eyes with every major news drop.
  2. Still looks a gen ahead of GT7, but yeah FH5 is still the best looking racing game on the planet by a considerable margin.
  3. And how much better FH5 looks than both. good thing Cows claim GT’s graphics don’t matter anymore.
  4. My claim was that Spider-Man has never, and will never win GOTY. the only thing debunked here was your claim, that Spider-Man did win GOTY.
  5. By claiming Spider-Man won GOTYs but then tucking when asked where from, you made me look like the genius I am.
  6. What does Bethesda have to do with Spider-Man GOTYs? You’re looking bad bro, real bad here.
  7. Do you have short term memory loss? We are talking about where Spider-Man won GOTY, like you claimed. Sounds like you have nothing. I’ll wait for you to post proof to your claim, though.
  8. Spider-Man was never considered a GOTY, and never will be.
  9. Holy shit, he’s still butt hurt over yesterday. LMAO!!! I’m describing what you’re doing, right now.
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