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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Still looks a gen ahead of GT7, but yeah FH5 is still the best looking racing game on the planet by a considerable margin.
  2. And how much better FH5 looks than both. good thing Cows claim GT’s graphics don’t matter anymore.
  3. My claim was that Spider-Man has never, and will never win GOTY. the only thing debunked here was your claim, that Spider-Man did win GOTY.
  4. By claiming Spider-Man won GOTYs but then tucking when asked where from, you made me look like the genius I am.
  5. What does Bethesda have to do with Spider-Man GOTYs? You’re looking bad bro, real bad here.
  6. Do you have short term memory loss? We are talking about where Spider-Man won GOTY, like you claimed. Sounds like you have nothing. I’ll wait for you to post proof to your claim, though.
  7. Spider-Man was never considered a GOTY, and never will be.
  8. Holy shit, he’s still butt hurt over yesterday. LMAO!!! I’m describing what you’re doing, right now.
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