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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. There’s still 56 shrines to do and I keep finding random ass things. I probably only have 1/3 of the depths map unlocked im at 115 hours
  2. 96 shrines lol. I’m stacked, full stamina and 23 hearts
  3. VR is just not ready. Id much rather just play games on my TV. I don’t care if it was $19.99, I would have still returned it. Not sure how someone can be a VR fan really. After the Oculus, now this.. yeah, the tech just isn’t there. And it probably never will be, for games at least. It will always be multiple generations behind. I also have no idea how people enjoy shooters on VR. Physically having to reload a gun is just…. Not fun. At all.
  4. Lol really. 20 million isn’t even considered an accounting error to MS
  5. Yeah, VR tech just isn’t there yet. It’s lighter than all (most?) other headsets like PSVR2 and Quest, and it is much higher resolution while running at 120hz, but standard VR problems still exist it seems.
  6. Lol I would just buy it if I wanted it. Not this gen tho. Will wait for gen 2 or 3 probably.
  7. storage is 128gb and 256gb. It can do anything a MacBook can do. but where else would they put the battery? Lol. You can also plug it in if desired.
  8. Well regardless, it’s priced accordingly with other high end AR headsets (hololens, magic leap, varjo) and they don’t expect to sell that many in gen 1.
  9. Apparently the FOV is 120 but Apple didn’t confirm it, as you mentioned.
  10. Maybe. Maybe not, depends on where it goes I guess. I’ve not enjoyed my time with VR headsets.
  11. The “pro” name indicates there will be a non pro version at some point as well. Realistically I could see it selling well (enough) at 2k.
  12. First impressions on the web I think. From there, the interface was surprisingly fluid. Looking at icons or interface options slightly enlarges them, or changes their boldness. Tapping with my fingers while looking at something opens an app up. I've used tons of hand tracking technology on headsets like the Hololens 2 and Meta Quest 2 and Pro, and usually there's a lot of hand motion. Here, I could be really lazy. I pinched to open icons even as my hand was resting in my lap, and it worked. The cinema demo was what really shocked me, though. I played a 3D clip of A
  13. Well I agree with that. They’ll get the price down though.
  14. What has apple launched in the last 20 years that was DOA?
  15. So this thing is more so going after the hololens market more than say.. psvr2. HoloLens 2 costs $3500 as well. This looks much more advanced, of course.
  16. it’d be pretty impressive if they sold 800k of these at $3,500 a piece. If I recall virtual boy was like $200 lol.
  17. It’s absolutely aimed at devs… which is why it was announced at the developer show.
  18. Kinda as expected, this is more for devs to set up the eco system. I’m all there for gen 2 or 3 tho.
  19. Just got to 90 shrines. Crazy to think there is 60 more.
  20. 15 sold at least 2 million on Xbox. That’s at least 140 million in revenue they’re missing out on.
  21. I bring this up because I had heard recently that Square Enix is panicking slightly over Final Fantasy XVI preorder numbers, which are tracking behind FFXV even accounting for the lesser number of launching platforms. Granted, those are pre-order numbers and they're usually only useful to gauge guaranteed day-one sales (versus potential day-one sales), so the actual number could blow everyone away. But with the current tracking, I wonder if they want to remind people the next chapter of Final Fantasy VII's remake trilogy exists and give it more marketing time than they had planned. The in
  22. So I believe im on the last mission And I don’t think I’m ready to do it. I mean, powerful enough, but I just want to keep collecting shit. Is it similar to botw where it just takes you back to the last save or is there a true end world?
  23. Every company is acquired dipshit. Outside of Nintendo, Sony and MS don’t make games. They buy studios that do.
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