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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. This was before Tmobile took them over. he doesn’t realize sprint doesn’t exist anymore just like he doesn’t realize ps5 exists
  2. Nope, was lying neither here or then. I said legacy sprint owners winning because they just obtained the nations fastest 5G speed. And you’re STILL lying about playing PS5. Oh man, he’s begging at this point. LOL 0/4
  3. he just changed the topic again 0/3, and he’s OUT!
  4. Sorry pal, just because you got busted not playing PS5 doesn’t mean you’re gonna get out of this one too magenta plan is NOT an employee plan You’re 0/2
  5. T-Mobile is NOT sprint, which you don’t actually understand. my employee access was a sprint employee plan, which no longer exists.. because sprint doesn’t exist. I’m on the standard magneta Tmobile plan. and you’re on the standard no play PS5 plan
  6. Nice my hype had died down dramatically since Zelda tho
  7. The ones that think they are the wrong gender, yes.
  8. …the ones that think they are a gender they’re not, yes. As both Cooke and I have been saying this entire time. Do you understand?
  9. If they think they are a gender they are not, then yes, they have a mental disorder. Cooke doesn’t believe he’s a woman as far as I know.
  10. And that has nothing to do with what we are talking about.
  11. Acting like something in personality. Believing you ARE a female when you’re a male or the other way around is the mental disorder.
  12. Cooke thinks that people that believe they’re another gender than what they are have mental disorders. Pretty straight forward. Most gay people don’t want to be the other sex. The ones that do.. have a mental disorder.
  13. It’s largely irrelevant, considering you said they’re not the same thing at all. So why even say it? Being gay doesn’t mean you think you’re something you’re not… while trans does.
  14. Then why did you even reply by saying “sounds like what they used to say about gay people”???? Because you think they’re NOT the same thing?
  15. Being a feminine gay guy doesn’t mean you think you’re really a woman. It’s just your personality. thinking you’re a woman when you’re a man 100% is a mental disorder... and that’s fine, there are many mental disorders. I’m not discrediting them being person, but it is what it is. it’s the same thing as thinking I’m an elephant.
  16. having sex with the same gender isn’t the same thing as thinking you’re born as the wrong gender
  17. you implied they were the same.
  18. And I had to recertify, under my own name. Now I’m on the magneta max plan, under T-Mobile, with no employee access. and no, my uncles name or affiliation is no. Where on the account. As I’ve said, multiple times. But you have no other comebacks Like you play no ps5
  19. My uncle hasn’t worked for sprint for years and has Verizon after leaving them. Owned. and you still don’t play PS5
  20. wrong again. It’s my own, as I’ve stated several times. It’s like you can’t read you also can’t play ps5
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