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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Which isn’t the same as thinking you’re a different gender than you are.
  2. gay people don’t think they were born in the wrong body.
  3. Yes, it was. Again… you resort to lying. Like you lie about playing PS5.
  4. And that was years ago, as I’ve already said. So you continue to lie, as I’ve told you countless times I’ve been on my own plan, with the phones bought outright, for years. And you still don’t play PS5
  5. No, I told you it was on my own. You just choose to lie. and not play LS5
  6. No.. my phone is on my plan, as I’ve said for years now. And my last 3 phones have been bought outright. and no, you don’t play PS5. Haven’t played on it in MONTHS
  7. My phone is on my line, and fully paid off. and you still ain’t playing PS5
  8. Except my phone is in my name, and fully paid. And you’re still playing anything but PS5
  9. Sounds like you’re speaking from experience
  10. I was going to pre order but I’m still on Zelda. So I’ll just get it on regular release. What does pre ordering get? Is it better to pre order if I’m getting the battle pass (ie is it free with pre order)
  11. Just beat the lightning temple. Thought the boss was the easiest one outside of wind lol
  12. I said this a year ago and everyone laughed at me. The games are rehashes. The IP is too limited. It is what it is, there’s nothing to expand upon. They’re bound by the IP. Insomniac is clearly talented, this IP has no room for growth though. @-GD-X, @Goukosan.. disagree?
  13. “They showed off the bad parts of the game to make the better parts look good! “
  14. Agreed. Spoon feeding content is not a good idea. I get it from a business perspective though, you can ship games faster.
  15. I’m lucky my gym is pretty much dead at all times, especially post Covid. My gym is in the city which is essentially a ghost town now in Pittsburgh outside of the crackheads. There’s like 10 people at my gym at all times lol.
  16. What’s different? and yeah, I’m sure the thought was… “let’s show off the blandness of the environment.”
  17. L to soothe .. im aware lol it drained my stamina for some reason
  18. Yes, I ran out of stamina trying to get it.
  19. Jerky searching for another angle to get someone to Jerry go round with him because he doesn’t play games or have a social life watch, he’s gonna come in here and say “I’m making them use all their gifs!!1 ”
  20. I mean, Spider-Man can’t fuse things or anything like that. He can shoot web and climb up walls. That’s it. They can’t invent a new Spider-Man power or ability that changes gameplay.
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