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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. That’s exactly what I said. It’s faster and bigger. But the general gameplay loop is identical. I mean you can also say this for games like GTA. GTAV had MP though, which is the reason it’s still popular. I don’t think there’s necessarily anything else they can do about it with the IP being so limited, though.
  2. this game will not totally re-invent itself like Zelda did. Spider-Man’s IP is too limited. It’s not like you can add new abilities to Spider-Man. New moves? Sure.. but not actual abilities.
  3. They’re not. I loved that game… Spider-Man 1 was good but not much different. MM was just a complete rehash. I’m not sure what you think is different. I mean, it’s bigger and you move faster, but they’re literally the same thing mission wise. Just a limitation of the IP I guess.
  4. What I’ve been saying all along. On top of that, these games aren’t different than the PS2/Xbox/GC game. I mean, I don’t know too much of what they could do differently but the formula is very old at this point, imo. Co-op would be big for this series, but for some reason cows think co op or MP is a bad idea. Not sure why.
  5. Really? I tried when I had two wheels. How many did you have?
  6. So I have 6.5 batteries, 71 shrines completed. I think 17 hearts and 2.5 stamina wheels. Prob ready to do the electric temple but there’s so much I want to do still. Only did one of the mazes but have the shrines for all so I can attack them whenever… I am starting to really struggle finding shrines, might have to use a guide. still need to kill a dragon.. and I haven’t even saw a Lynel yet lol
  7. Nothing beats being a child exploring these games but this is the most fun with a game I’ve had as an adult. Lol
  8. Way more than expected. Lol lasts as long as a normal dual shock. Must have a much bigger battery.
  9. he’s never gonna live this down ”bu bu I planned on taking a few days off anyway ”
  10. Yeah they’re great. I’m at 61 right now. But also just unlocked all sky towers. 🤣
  11. This is essentially for young children who don’t have tv access or for people on daily medications like Jerry.. but Jerry won’t ever actually buy it.
  12. I know how to cook, I’m mostly paying for the premade portions. For that they’re all overpriced I guess.
  13. Where is proof of stalker 2 being timed exclusive?
  14. https://gamerant.com/hellblade-2-release-date-2023-rumors-leaks/
  15. It’s not pre cooked food, it’s fresh ingirdents to cook.
  16. Where is it announced that it’s a timed exclusive? And ummm.. hellblade 2 is almost a lock for 2023.
  17. I just enjoy it for convenience. Portions are already made mainly.
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