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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Then it’s on! Jerry tucked. @FIREPOWER you have until 9.5 hours to post. I’ll post mine once you recognize what you have to do in order to at least tie.
  2. Two bets? Please show them. There was never a bet… but now there is. And you’re tucking, hard. I already have everything ready to post and seeing how you accepted, we’re just waiting on GD to approve it. Jerry automatically loses.. because well, he doesn’t have a PSVR2.
  3. Sorry, that doesn’t satisfy the rules in the OP. I’ll mark you down as accepted, though. @-GD-X will you enforce if the rules of the OP are satisfied?
  4. You didn’t show me a single bet… and you know this. Otherwise you would have posted it by now. You also don’t own a psvr2, or you would have accepted the bet. the OP is simple (if you own a psvr2). Running to the mods isn’t going to help you I’m loving the squirm
  5. So he claims I made bets, but can’t post them. all while dick tucking this thread to answer your question… No, I lost zero bets. But this is now the second bet in a row you’ve ran from, remember @Cell? more proof he doesn’t own a PSVR2
  6. You can blame yourself and Jerry for it not being posted. However, accept the bet and I will gladly post it. It's already made... LOL
  7. The bet: Ghostz owns a PSVR2 with GT7 vs Jerry and Firepower owning a PSVR2 with GT7 The requirements of proof: Each participant will take a picture of (all in one picture) the VR2 GT7 a sign that says his Username, Date and Time SW.com in the background (logged into account) ALSO NEEDED: a gameplay video of whatever the mods choose Deadline: End of Day 5/22/23 Punishment for Loser: The loser will have to have a sig of the winner's choice for one year. (5/22/23-5/22/24)
  8. And then you two chirped. Hopefully you learn your lesson. Now accept the bet, or continue running. I’ll make an official thread so we can all watch you squirm.
  9. 1 year sig bet: I have a psvr2 i have gt7 I will post whatever video you’d like Post a pic with whatever you want it to say SW in background in return: jerry has to post a pic of his vr2, with name and current date, along with his copy of GT7, with SW.com in n the background as do you
  10. Will still be busy with Zelda then Diablo time. Maybe I’ll try it over the summer
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