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Tears of the Cows

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Everything posted by Tears of the Cows

  1. https://x.com/kosmic_gt/status/1816403404765483345?s=46 https://x.com/tux0817/status/1816386004829323425?s=46 https://x.com/aiphard_t0yota/status/1816390459176243659?s=46 https://x.com/yuzupon_at02_06/status/1816411283715244204?s=46 have fun cows
  2. No, at some point it becomes it’s a man claiming to be a woman. That’s what 99% of the world views it as, despite your little liberal echo chambers. I’m all for trans everything. It can be its own, “third gender”. They don’t fit into a traditional man or woman. And they will never be viewed as a woman, because no normal man would want to have sex with them. Why can’t you answer my dog scenario? It is no different. I’ll go around and only bark too.
  3. No, you look and sound stupid. You literally claimed one is a true women because they’ve taken medicine and put fake tits on them. delusion at its finest. You offered no actual logical reason why they’re a woman. if I start eating dog food and get a tail surgically attached, am I a fucking dog? im all for trans rights. But that’s what they are. Trans people. They aren’t women and claim not to be a man. They’re trans. They’re not sub human and deserve the same rights as anyone else. They shouldn’t be killed for it. but they’re tran
  4. they’d look out of place in a women’s, too. Just ask the women. Would you have sex with a trans woman? and on the contrary, I’d like to believe I am. I’m tall and have exercised nearly daily for the last 20 years.
  5. No I played pretty much exclusively to my switch screen (which is oled, but it handles 30fps much better than my LG) or a different tv. the oled (tv) is great but 30fps games do not vibe with it
  6. Taking pills and getting surgery doesn’t change anything your biological make up dude
  7. Isn’t it 30fps? Can’t play that on the OLED
  8. yes. I honestly need someone (you) to explain the difference. can you?
  9. Still no response how is a trans different than a man claiming to be a woman
  10. No. Your response was “why do you care”. You didn’t actually address anything, per usual.
  11. Usually with my lady’s mouth around my cock
  12. Lmfao. there is no come back to this, have fun waiting for remy to actually respond.
  13. https://x.com/xbox/status/1815778985869291603?s=46
  14. A few of my friends have been taking some type of supplement from hims.com. Haven’t seen them in a while but they said it’s working. Id ask the cue ball @jehurey
  15. do I need to remind you of your Reddit comments?
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