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Tears of the Cows

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Everything posted by Tears of the Cows

  1. I’ll be in Austin in October for Formula 1 and an Eminem concert. Take the bus, bitch
  2. The game is essentially the same game with random shit added still not that fun but can be with the right friends should have been competitive
  3. The Halo show is about as good as a Halo show can be. Halo sucks. MS has a huge win with Fallout, though.
  4. Thanks to Sony half baking shit per usual. https://x.com/ign/status/1783521256257523866?s=46
  5. That trailer captures the essence of vr. A waste of time
  6. Trump is entertaining af. He’s actually hilarious
  7. I don’t think he’s saying that. It’s just nas, em, and jay aren’t starting new trends these days
  8. Besides lil nas x, I’d love to know who Remys favorite rappers are currently @Mr. Impossible
  9. Its inevitable this is what convenience brings. Everything is connected by your fingertip. Why move? we will literally evolve into blobs.
  10. I mean, I agree with that statement. Eminem is surprisingly very relevant with gen z tho. https://hmc.chartmetric.com/eminem-fanbase-demographics-2024/
  11. Eminem is bigger than hip hop as a whole. He sits with the elite, and there are no other rappers in that category. So his irrelevancy is based on his domination. Deal with it.
  12. my guy, you talk about him like he’s still not the most popular rappers in the world? he was the most watched rapper on YouTube last year goes back and forth with drake for most listeners on Spotify anytime he has a new sont it trends #1 on most platforms The ONLY person who can maybe be considered more popular is drake. And 50% of his catalog is r&b
  13. So easy to get you flustered lmao
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