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Tears of the Cows

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Everything posted by Tears of the Cows

  1. It will change your life forever when you take them in a good way though, it allows you to think in a different perspective never had a bad trip tho or never even “forgot” that I took a drug. I was still in control for the most part… outside of those fucking laughing fits
  2. “No u r!!!1” such a sad, pathetic life you live that you have to constantly lie
  3. I’ve done acid and shrooms a few times each. Fun times but take way too long to wear off, better have a clear day ahead of you
  4. Why is vin desiel in a game about dinosaurs
  5. Yeah where’s this from? I’ve never even heard of a few of those.
  6. I heard it’s getting a 60fps patch next week so I’ll wait for that. I did download 76 as it’s multiplayer
  7. Never played the games, but maybe I will now. Episode one was good. how close is it to the games? Assuming this is fallout 1’s story?
  8. I find most mainstream websites are fine but yeah there’s an occasional site stuck in 2003
  9. Honestly, I’d support annual hardware refreshes much like cell phones. Then support phases out after x amount of years. But yeah, this thing in general is pointless
  10. I can’t stand browsing the web on a computer anymore lol I always use mobile for browsing.
  11. Well, we all know @FIREPOWER plays Xbox games on his PC and has Xbox Gamepass. here’s @jehureys total ps5 playtime for the last year+ which “cows” have you exposed? UP NEXT FOR EXPOSING: @TLHBO
  12. Your gamer score keeps going up meanwhile the ONLY PlayStation 5 game youve played enough to get a single achievement in the last YEAR… Tetris effect
  13. I’m not sure when I missed the memo halo was supposed to be good it never was
  14. Cows are gonna drop another $600 (~1900 in total for PS5, PSVR2, PS5 Pro) to play games that Sony doesn’t care if developers utilize https://www.theverge.com/2024/4/16/24131799/sony-ps5-pro-enhanced-requirements-ultra-boost-mode
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