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Tears of the Cows

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Posts posted by Tears of the Cows

  1. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    That's the dumbest thing I think I've ever heard in my entire life, you don't suddenly become alive when you're born, you're alive during gestation you unbelievable moron. 



    You don’t become alive when you become born 




    Youre just developed enough to be considered a human at that point 

  2. Just now, bhytre said:

    Never got rid of this video mentally after I first saw it, just makes me sick to my stomach to hear him describe it.

    Abortions because of convenience are disgusting and an easy cop out of personal responsibilities.


    Who cares? If you were a pregnant, didn’t want the baby, and I told you it doesn’t matter because I (a stranger) said you can’t, what would you say? You’d tell me to fuck off and have it aborted either way, I know I would. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    You're not even worth arguing with, you're a fucking psychopath.

    It’s just not my decision to make, nor do I care. Millions of people die each day, these babies aren dying, their life is simply being avoided. Aborted. Not killed. Lmao. Can’t die if you aren’t born retards. 

  4. 7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Dude, shut the fuck up. It's clear cut what valid reasoning is and is not, and what is justifiable and what is not.


    If you couldn't differentiate you'd either already be dead or in prison.

    No it’s not at all clear cut. That’s why I favor my stance. The parent that gives birth gets the decision. Don’t make shit laws based on opinions. Laws should be on facts. 


    Deno out here tryna make abortion’s like pass interference calls smh. It either is or it isn’t. 

  5. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    I care because I value human life, I value life in general. No one or thing should be deprived of life without just cause. Because you think you made a mistake or don't want to deal with it anymore isn't valid justification for ending a life. 


    To your second point of course not, if the baby is going to result in killing the mother which could also in turn kill the baby steps need to be taken. 

    And why are you the almighty decision maker of “just cause” 

  6. 2 minutes ago, Cookester15 said:

    This will always be a complicated issue with a lot of grey area. There is no black and white answer. My mom got pregnant with me when she was 17, she wanted to get an abortion but changed her mind. My dad married her and they have been married ever since, so it worked out for them and me. But the thought of my mother aborting me because they didn't want me really sucks to think about. I would think giving me up for adoption would be the best solution in most cases. But if it's for a medical reason I understand why an abortion is necessary.  

    Why does that suck? Your mother did not know you. If she chose to abort you, you’d have no idea, and she wouldn’t know what she aborted. Win win. 

  7. 7 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Carry to term and adopt out.

    It's murder regardless, the inside/outside thing is nonsensical rhetoric. You're terminating the life of a person that would otherwise have been born without intervention.


    It would have otherwise been born if the person giving birth wanted to give birth to it. If they don’t? Guess what? Too bad, doesn’t matter, not your body, not your choice. 


    Again... WHY DO YOU CARE?


    What If you knew your wife would die during pregnancy? Or worse, become a vegetable? You gonna force her into that?

  8. 1 minute ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    So in that she would be making the choice to terminate a life and body which is not hers. The my body, my choice narrative goes out the window.

    The body is inside her body. If it’s outside of her body it’s murder. If it’s inside of her body it’s her choice. Imo. Don’t even know why you care, not your baby, not your life

  9. Just now, DynamiteCop! said:

    You said no one should have a right to tell someone what they can and cannot do with their body. A baby is another body, it is not your body.

    It is inside of your body and alters the woman’s body does it not?


    it is fully inside of her. Lol idk how else to say that. Sure it’s another body.... in their body. 

  10. Just now, Jon2B said:

    No but then again most people having babies arent fit to take care of them.

    Adoption , etc .  Lots of solutions .


    It's all down to selfishness and laziness . 

    Adoption is a long process that many will never go down, the child suffers and the parent grows attached 


    the adults life is more or less ruined, especially if they are a single parent 

  11. 1 minute ago, Jon2B said:

    If it was the other way around tho and the female had no day in the matter that would be a big issue in today's world .



    Well that’s because females are bat shit crazy


    not disagreeing with you, but I’d have the same stance I have now. Whoever had to give the birth has full ability to make the decision imo

  12. Just now, Jon2B said:

    I know a few girls that got an abortion and they are are still fucked up mentally from it.  It's something that is always in their head.


    If I got a girl preggo and 3 months later she said she got an abortion , I would take issue with that (if I wanted to keep the baby)


    I think it's morally wrong in cases where it's just because of laziness but on a whole I don't care what other people do .

    I suppose, and I know it does fuck some people up, but obv id stay far away from these girls


    gotta ask tho, they were in shitty situation most likely, would they be any better off now if they had the child? Would the child have even had a quality upbringing? 


    It’s just not fair to tell me what they can and can’t do in such a life altering decision

  13. 2 minutes ago, DynamiteCop! said:

    Rape that can be proven within a period that doesn't exceed the first trimester I have no issue with an abortion.  But it needs to be proven to have been the result of a rape without a shadow of a doubt.

    That's not even remotely comparable.

    Why just by rape tho? If you have a problem with abortion, why allow it to occur under ANY circumstance?


    Im not going to argue really bc im not going to change your mind, nor do I care to, but I think if it was you that was pregnant and you didn’t want to have the child, you’d find it extremely unfair and tbh, just bizarre, that anyone else feels they have the right to tell you what to do with your body 

  14. 2 minutes ago, Jon2B said:

    Abortion is pretty fucked up and also brings a host of mental issues to most girls that get one .


    In cases like rape or where birth could kill the mother etc I don't have any issue .


    I wouldn't even say I'm anti abortion but the kind of girl that uses abortion as a form of birth control isn't the kind of girl I'd want to chill with. Lazy and irresponsible.


    Also if the guy has no say in it I think that is wrong too . Sure it's the woman's body but the guy helped create what's growing inside it.  



    I have no problem with it at all. I feel like If you make exceptions (rape, etc) then you don’t morally have issues with it either. 


    I dont think a man has any say. They don’t have to go through the birth process. 


    All I know is that if I was a woman, got pregnant, and didn’t want it, I would find a way to make sure I didn’t. I wouldn’t feel bad, I wouldn’t care who judged me, it’s my body and if I don’t want to change my life and perhaps die in child birth, who the fuck is to tell me I can’t? Lol


    forcing a woman to give birth against her will is 100% wrong and often times ruins their life 

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