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Tears of the Cows

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Everything posted by Tears of the Cows

  1. Don’t close this, possibilities for a thread like this are endless
  2. I said all these exact same things years ago and you banned me. While I don’t care what people do, wanting to be the other sex isn’t a “normal” characteristic of life. It just isn’t. It’s people wanting what they can’t have, and as mentioned earlier ITT, most will live to regret their decision.
  3. And... it’s a mutation in nature too? Lol we are a part of nature, so no shit. I don’t know. It is probably a fail safe mechanism for our species to stop replicating if needed, and it’s can probably be turned on/activated in anyone.. most likely triggered by environmental circumstances.
  4. I don’t think that’s true. Being straight up gay is against biology though.
  5. It’s clear MK is leagues better. Shit is fire and just beautiful. Granted, I was playing on an xflop, but MK on my switch is 10x smoother
  6. It’s an illness if you want to call it that, but so are many other things.. addiction to technology being pretty big. Addiction to pretend things.. digital things with no real value.. etc. Doesnt mean they aren’t people, doesn’t mean they don’t deserve rights. But it’s a slight mutation. The vast majority of humans ever to exist aren’t trans, so it’s out of the norm when someone wants to be. Interesting that people are learning to choose it occasionally now that the idea is out there, though, I think a lot of trans people will one day regret their transition. The bigge
  7. dude was bangin mila kunis while being a meth junkie, props to him x 100. anyhow, seems like a normal cool dude now. seems like the guy from clerks, forget his name..but the skinny taller guy who is pretty care free.
  8. Looking forward to this, but not hoping for much. Btw, the game was supppsed to release tomorrow, this is a big fuck you to fans.
  9. So I mean at this point does XB1 run a commercial version of videos? Is it even branded as a video game system anymore or is it just a mid range PC?
  10. Solid Black Friday not it quite sure what I want to do with the second switch yet, might keep it or might use it for a gift. Got it for essentially $200 so yolo also got some new boots, new jacket, new gloves, new swim suit and a few other random things. Overall spent around 3500 but really not bad
  11. Holy shit, EPIC TLBHO also ms has released 2 new editions in 5 years.. smh
  12. Probably gonna pop on to cheap Caribbean frkday to see if they have any deals
  13. Probably gonna pop on to cheap Caribbean frkday to see if they have any deals
  14. Don’t like the selection on game pass, but if you do.. it’s double the price so you should have double the fun.. anyhow yea as a sports fan it’s an incredible deal. Spots games are the only thing my switch lacks, hope that changes soon bit for now $30 a year is all I need to spend in games More or less. Amazing .. plus I get access to shit tier games like bfv which are quick to remind to me stick to sports games on Xbox .. TLHBO
  15. Prove me wrong. Flat out, $5 a month or $30 a year for access to 10 hours of all games or full access after ~6 months. You gotta ask yourself.. if you had the choice, would you buy a game for $60 or if they said you rent it for $30 for a YEAR...what would you do? How many games do you play for 1+ years? Outside of the Nintendo gems, most games simply don’t have replay value. EA access or whatever it is on PC too is the GOAT for second rate gaming, TCHBF
  16. Yeah I smoke a lot. Lol. I suck the oils down like no other
  17. I dunno. I don’t really get high. I just get normal lol you know .. and these vape pens make your tolerance sky rocket. I get em shipped from cali for $25 a piece, I go through about 3gs a week
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