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Tears of the Cows

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Everything posted by Tears of the Cows

  1. Of course gouk took the 10/9 million comparison as literal and didn’t understand the reasoning behind it. There will be a point if you make more you take home significantly less than if you didn’t make more. Common sense retards, but again, you’re both poor lol
  2. Stafford's $33 million in 2018 income would translate into a $19.7 million federal tax bill, according to calculations from sports tax expert Robert Raiola, a CPA and director of the Sports & Entertainment Group at New York City-based PKF O'Connor Davies LLP. That's broken down as $161,379 in tax on the first $600,000, and then $3.4 million on the $600,001 to $10 million portion, with the 70 percent applied to the final $23 million in his income, the portion on which tax rates would nearly double.
  3. At the end of the day, you are trying to tell people they aren’t worthy of their money and YOU are. You have no idea how fucked up that is because you both aren’t wealthy. If you ever are, you’ll see exactly why this is wrong and simply won’t happen (at least within the next 20 years)
  4. Tell me how someone making 33 million wouldn’t have to pay almost 20 million in taxes oh wait, they would
  5. What does a single person need 175k a year for? They don’t. Maybe If they wanna vacation and enjoy life. But the can surely still live with 75k, or are you saying 75k is poverty? LMAO
  6. I think someone making 175k as a single person is more than well off. Yes, they should donate at least 100k by your very same logic. How are you going to determine is someone is wealthy enough? jerry - I think you’re wealthy enough on your 26k salary to donate 10k. Go ahead and do it.
  7. How about trying to decredit 20 million taxes on a 33 million dollar salary please try you fucking retard
  8. Middle class can be listed as whatever. 75k is enough for a single woman to live on. She again, needs to donate 100k or she’s a part of the problem. I don’t expect more, I expect the same.
  9. How the fuck are you going to tell anyone they don’t deserve money they worked for? Are you crazy? These are the types of proposals that get people killed lmfao
  10. Why does it have to be 10 million gouk? How about 30k like you make?
  11. It means once you earn over a certain amount, you’ll be taxed at that rate. As I said. Someone earning 33 million would owe just shy of 20 million in taxes. Why do you fee so entitled to something you didn’t work for?
  12. Gouk makes $11 a hour, no wonder he wants this lmao
  13. Why do you think it hasn’t been that way since? Dumbass
  14. Matt Stanford’s 33 million contract this year would force him to pay almost 20 million in taxes. LMFAO
  15. It’s reallt not much different than how I described, but of course you couldn’t tell me why either way, it won’t work, and it will never be pushed to office.
  16. IMAGINE making 9 million and being taxed whatever, we will say 50% you end with 4.5 mil now you bust your ASS and get a promotion to 10 mil sorreeeeeee ur take home is now 3 mil! lmao anyone who thinks this will work is delusional
  17. 10 million may seem like a lot to most people, but to those accustomed to that life style it’s not. For example. 100k seems like a shit ton of money to someone in poverty. Doesn’t mean it is. Doesnt mean someone else deserves that money either. Convince me otherwise
  18. If I was a billionaire being forced into a 70% tax I would simply take my business to another country. Yeah sorry, you’re not getting that much of my money because I work hard. The world isnt mario kart. Last place doesn’t get an equalizer for being last, and first place shouldn’t be punished for winning. It wont work and would lead to a massive amount of money being taken out of our country by the top percent. im all for corporation taxes though, but you still run a risk of them simply taking their business elsewhere.
  19. She makes 175k a year. She should donate 100k of this obviously.
  20. Why would anyone continue to work after getting to a certain level? You realize you are removing people’s incentive to work hard by taking away their ability to see income from it, right? Bezo would have shut down amazon years ago if this is the way the world worked.
  21. The real immorality is anyone thinking they’re entitled to anything someone else has earned
  22. Let’s see. I can make a company and become a billionaire. But I have to give half (70%?!) of it away. Why would I ever work to become a billionaire ?
  23. By her logic, she is just as big of a problem. She’s well off but I don’t see her giving money to families in Alabama you expect people to work their dick off to get rich just to give it away/feel bad about it? Pathetic
  24. Give this broad a billion dollars and watch her be the opposite of everything she’s saying now within 10 years
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