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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Yes, I’m quoting you talking about YOURSELF projecting. Too EZ
  2. Jerry claims that Dallas doesn’t know how to report their homeless people (after trying to claim they have more, only to run once the facts were presented). He based this on Seattle saying sometimes larger cities have issues with reporting accurate numbers. This might matter if they were close, but Seattle, with half the population actually has DOUBLE the amount of homeless people vs Dallas. Jerry broke down over this, and well, here’s the thread. LOL
  3. He’s STILL talking about how much HE is projecting cant believe I got him to admit it tbh
  4. I haven’t mentioned that you’re projecting in PAGES...but you did, TWICE now
  5. I SEE him sweating, LOL. Unless he provides the numbers, well, he know his next post will he just ANOTHER....stall!
  6. I’m mimicking him he says... by asking for proof of HIS claim! He has NO where to run!
  7. Back to the Jerry go round! He STILL can’t prove it, folks. Hes growing weak, he made a claim and just CANT prove it!
  8. thanks for the EZ win, congrats to me! no quote = Jerry stalling LOL
  9. Seattle isn’t Dallas, he TRULY doesn’t realize that Dallas has basically NO homeless! Great city!
  10. He has no proof of Dallas’s being inaccurate, he can’t find ANYTHING! LOL!
  11. Link to Seattle detailing what makes Dallas inaccurate? Still waiting
  12. I’m level 5 but the ENTIRE subreddit is saying it’s a massive P2W game that hits around level 8. I played infinity wars and it’s actually fairly similar, that game had deeper combat but it also has deeper combat than any elder scrolls game. They are all two buttons only type of games, either sword hit/arrow or magic. Im hoping the skills/abilities/etc open the combat up more, but based on previous games I doubt it. Especially if they’re locked behind paywalls.
  13. Is a mobile game but one of the better ones imo. At least for now. I’m still pretty early on
  14. I hear it’s pretty p2w later, but it’s single player so there’s really no reason, I dig it tho... less buggy than Skyrim lol
  15. So I’m a level 5, so far I’m loving this game. It’s super easy.. just like any Eldee Scrolls game (never played one a 6 year old couldn’t beat) but I really dig how they captured the feel of a console game. Obviously the levels are rather linear but they encourage exploration and what not. Could see it getting boring, but I’m interested to see if everything is structured the same at higher levels, interested to unlock more skillss/perks/abilities (there’s a shit ton) controls are pretty good for the most part. I prefer playing in landscape, but I hate the bounciness of the joystick
  16. I trust Dallas reporting on their OWN figures. But you already answered the question. It was a good try, Jerry. But unless you provide the proof, well,... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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