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Tears of the Cows

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Everything posted by Tears of the Cows

  1. Holy shit, there it is! The jerry go round
  2. now he is running to mods, sorry bud, that won’t make it release on android either. look at all this proof of subject changes lmao
  3. He actually thought it was released for android, lmao!!! 8 months later and you’re still in beta android and jerry stay losing lmao 8 months more subject changes wont get that release date faster WHERES it AT? @Goukosan perhaps you’d like to tell me how you were proven right, Jerry seems to think y’all thought it would take 8+ months the WHOLE time. Did you guys know android support really sucked this bad?
  4. No. You specifically said, “he DOESNT mean months” but wait, it seems like he meant... JUST THAT! It’s been months, and STILL no Android release...hahahahhhahahah ”the final Android release” STILL DOESNT EXIST
  5. You said months. What’s the minimum amount of days that is considered “months”? *watch all, Jerry knows answering this will admit he got raped, look for a quick and swift subject change
  6. Did you claim the developer wasn’t talking about android getting it months after the iOS version released? Is months, as in plural, not mean 1+? I gave you 60 days, but nope, it’s now been since March and no android release in sight. So whAt did the dev mean? Or did I have to post the screenshot again? Oh wait.. here I will, *waits for another rehashed subject change*
  7. That’s what I hear. Haven’t watched after the 2nd season, do I need to even catch up? Same show or is it an entirely new series?
  8. Jerry asks for an example, then claims I restarted an old arguement, then proceeds Subject change #4
  9. Was fortnite released on android months away from iOS? wait, was fortnite released on android... EVER?
  10. Did it take longer than “months” to release on android? well, then I won, and won big time. Remember when it released on beta (:D) and you downloaded it within minutes! Lmao you were so desperate this thread is beautiful
  11. BUT, Jerry, I still want to know. Since the developer didn’t mean Android would get it months later, and well, they did... still not released, how do you make sense of your post? You cant cling to your 60 days, but really, all I needed to give you was 30. You said it wouldn’t be released months later, 2 months is 60 days, and well we are now at 8 months and STILL no release .. LMAO! Bu buuuuu and now folks, we get the jerry go round. All Christmas long
  12. I didn’t make the first thread, as I mentioned, lmao jerry stay self owning himself
  13. I made this thread because the other thread got locked, but the first wasn’t mine. I wanted to see jerry impressions, I got one. Ghostz: 1000, jerry: baited
  14. Lmfao. Classic jerry. Asks for proof, then claims I’m restarting the arguement. Here we are folks!
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