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Tears of the Cows

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Everything posted by Tears of the Cows

  1. i also think he went to say ' fucking faggot' at the end and stopped bc he's recently became soft about using that word after kamikazee was well received but that tyler diss wasn't. i think he shoulda still said it bc yolo
  2. i think a lot of the bars were going over peoples heads. "say you got me in a scope, but you grazed me/ i say one call to interscope and you're Swayze" this line was a ref to MGK's got you in a scope line and em saying if he wanted to he has enough pull to have MGK's career ghosted/killed. Swayze (Patrick Swayze) played a ghost in the movie Ghost, and he has since passed away. "playin' dead, that's the only time you hold still" this is a play on words saying when you play dead you are still (not moving) and that MGK isn't about that life like he claims and he'
  3. Cause as long as I’m shady you’ll be in my shadow etc
  4. There are so many lines with crazy word play that I wonder sometimes if Eminem even tried to do it or just lucked out. Example luxury? Oh. you broke bitch i had enough money in 02 to burn it in front of you, hoe 02..o2.. oxygen... fire... literally fuel for a fire...
  5. That diddy line is gonna stir up some shit no doubt. Em doesnt even care about mgk it seems. Seems like he felt like he had to release this and he still owned mgk lol
  6. https://audiomack.com/song/eminem/killshot god damn
  7. Didn’t halo 5 do some type of thing where objects were rendered at 30fps or something? But the main action or like your gun and main point of view is 60fps?
  8. Games that run at 60fps in handheld mode just feel so nice
  9. This game is pretty solid and really solid for being on game pass
  10. Didn’t check the settings but figured there had to be something. It was way too easy
  11. Yea I just have an original x1 I won a few years ago. I have a 4K tv but that doesn’t matter obviously. It looks a bit more jaggy than 2 but there’s way more effects
  12. Gameplay is signicantly better tho. One cool thing, I hit a barrier and went straight into a lake. But was able to keep driving. Would have expected to bounce off the sand bags. Control/handling seems way way better too. Might be the car tho
  13. Not a knock really bc fh2 looks pretty good, but on the base x1 this game looks identical.
  14. Is 30fps worth the Rez increase to you?
  15. I’d love to see Nintendo do a similar deal.
  16. Omg dude wtf. How is that possible? I’m getting 100x the speed for the same price .. in the United States lol
  17. Wtf. It is anywhere in the city. Weird. It’s a killer deal compared to shitcast
  18. Might download it. Not gonna lie, FH2 was free last month and way more fun than I expected. It’s a lot more than just boring racing. Reminded me of Midtown madness 3 back in the day.
  19. People buy electric cars so they don’t have to spend money on gas. Not to save the world. Lol
  20. Jon why tf would not get Fios. 1gb down for 80$ lol
  21. What the fuck? Why is DLC? And yeah, why the fuck white man? LMAO
  22. https://theblast.com/george-zimmerman-threats-beyonce-jay-z-trayvon-martin/ Jay better tell Bey to keep her mouth shut...jesus
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