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Long Ball Larry

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Everything posted by Long Ball Larry

  1. Deno should be charged for murder every time he jacked off
  2. I’m for abortion being illegal if deno says men are required to pay child support/raise the baby unless they want to be charged with attempted murder lmfao.
  3. So why did you tell me that men who don’t pay child support aren’t attempting to murder the child? If a woman has to have give birth, men should be required to raise it legally. If you avoid child support, it should be attempted murder just like you want an abortion to be see how ridiculous those two things both are?
  4. Women have no rights I’m assuming ? And are just sex objects? even tho he’s advocating they stop having sex with us lol
  5. The only reality is you’re trying to tell someone else what to do with their body despite backing away from any responsibility yourself just odd bro, but u do u.
  6. It’s also the choice of the man to impregnate her. So if you want women responsible, you better be doing everything they’re doing in the pregnancy. You better not smoke or drink. Otherwise you’re being a huge hypocrite and don’t actually value the human life at all, you’re simply saying “not my problem” despite trying to take ownership of the problem
  7. A woman will never be the same after getting pregnant and having a child. Won’t be normal after an abortion either, but it’s (should) be there choice. Its just all sorts of fucked up to say it’s not even an option for a woman imo
  8. Exactly. I’d never tell a woman she had to have an abortion or a baby. That’s her choice as a person
  9. Why is it on the woman when it required a man to impregnate her?
  10. Someone else’s body, inside of yours. Possession is 9/10th of the law
  11. I am very clear on my politics, don’t fuck with people, everyone’s equal and that’s it. No special shit given, no real welfare system outside of temporarily relief, rich are treated like poor and vise versa. You don’t f with me I don’t f with you.
  12. Is the “baby” not inside the mothers body? Yes.... or no.....?
  13. Oh so the child is in fact not in the woman’s body got ya
  14. Yeah they’re retarded. I’ve said itt many times I treat people as I’d like to be treated, if I don’t want women telling me what to do with my body I’m not gonna tell them what to do with theirs. Guess I’m a leftie LOL
  15. It is in her body, is it not? Does it not change her life forever? That is her choice.
  16. What if the condom broke and the guy didn’t tell you? Why isnt the man jusr as responsible?
  17. Lol its simply not my body, and I don’t want people telling me what to do with mine, so I’m not going to tell people what to do with theirs. if you cared about loss of life so much like you claim you’d be horribly depressed 24/7 considering thousands of innocent people die daily also coming from a right leaning person that is funny
  18. You don’t become alive when you become born lol Youre just developed enough to be considered a human at that point
  19. Who cares? If you were a pregnant, didn’t want the baby, and I told you it doesn’t matter because I (a stranger) said you can’t, what would you say? You’d tell me to fuck off and have it aborted either way, I know I would.
  20. I just don’t know why y’all care. That’s the craziest part. Who gives a fuck what someone does with their own body? These babies aren’t being killed, they were never born. Without the mother sacrificing her body, they would die naturally.
  21. It’s just not my decision to make, nor do I care. Millions of people die each day, these babies aren dying, their life is simply being avoided. Aborted. Not killed. Lmao. Can’t die if you aren’t born retards.
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