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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. ExoMecha looks a shit ton better than Halo Infinite.
  2. Gran Turismo Sport's replays are real time, but knocked down to 30fps to add more visual effects. The difference here is that the Forza footage was all pre-rendered "in engine" garbage. There's no gameplay or in-game real time footage to speak of. It's all vaporware.
  3. Nothing wrong with pushing people into a new generation. Sheep don't seem to be upset by last gen games on Switch.
  4. You missed the biggest marketing blunder in video game history.
  5. What a disaster. I was literally expecting to be blown away amd I can't believe they shit this out along with fake trailers like Forza and CGI garbage.
  6. The only ones owned here is Microsoft's own marketing team. They're fucking up left and right. https://www.theverge.com/2020/7/23/21335984/microsoft-xbox-series-x-exclusive-next-gen-promise This is slowly turning into an Xbox One snafu. Lemmings around here and elsewhere were completely against moving forward only into next generation development after Sony said they pretty much abandoned PS4 development.
  7. Lemmings were pretty confident that all of these new studios Microsoft picked up would be ready by the time Series X launched.
  8. https://www.metacritic.com/game/playstation-4/ratchet-clank https://www.metacritic.com/game/xbox-one/halo-5-guardians Scored higher than the last Halo.
  9. Phil has been serving up his fromunda cheese disguised as hope to the lemmings for years and still haven't figured out this fraud.
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