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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Your own reference proves our point. If you can't see that then you probably can't see your own dick.
  2. Jerry on his own jerry-go-round while we observe the fail.
  3. Rofl, I like how at the end of this jerry is basically saying it's backlighting, but carefully skating around from actually saying it just to think he's saving face. However, that ship sailed long ago.
  4. It's not backlighting, it's just reflecting light sourcing from the back.
  5. It's not back lit... It's just sourcing light from there!!11
  6. You're so stupid it hurts. Look at you dancing around what we all know you want to say.
  7. Well this thread ended exactly how I thought it would. Jerry spinning faster than his jerry-go-round. Perfect ending.
  8. Crazy how the LEDs are behind everything like that. Even crazier they call it backlighting. Thanks for unintentionally proving us right.
  9. He just explained how this shit is working and all you got from that from was "downfire"? Yeah, you're a lost cause. Not like you weren't before or anything.
  10. I'll take LEDs reside behind the LCD matrix as your final answer. So it appears you are retaining some information to which we're educating you.
  11. So is the LEDs behind the LCD matrix your final answer?
  12. You said it wasnt behind it, but now you're saying that it is. Make up your mind. Which is it? Do the LEDs reside behind the matrix or not? This is your final answer.
  13. Spinning so fast you don't even recall the stupid shit you're spewing.
  14. First it was the LEDs were infront of the LCD matrix, then it was outside and now you're at least back to the LEDs being fired at the back the display. Slowly but surely you'll get it.
  15. Nope. You've been twisting and turning for pages now. From removing layers to see how an edge lit LED strip performs to comparing backlights to horsepower. Some of the most irrelevant shit to the ongoing topic I've ever seen. That's how fast we got you spinning.
  16. Huh? Been keeping the same stance from the beginning. Nothing has changed for me, but you on the other hand. You're all over the place.
  17. We're just giving him his own treatment. We've got him spinning so much it makes the jerry-go-round look like child's play.
  18. It's amusing you're trying to turn this into something completely irrelevant to the discussion. All the sudden you're curious how well an edge-lit display will perform without the mentioned layers. Like... Who gives a flying fuck. The fact is an edge lit LEDs are still a backlight you dipshit.
  19. Jerry, tell me what each finger represents relative to an LCD panel.
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