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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Except in an edge-lit display the light source is in the back of the housing hence the reason why it's a type of backlighting. You must be having a bad day... well, actually being a dumbass is probably your best days for you.
  2. Oh so now the LEDs are outside and exposed? Interesting.
  3. Edit: Wait where's the diffusor and reflective layers for that LED?
  4. Well duh, the LEDs are infront of the LCD according to you.
  5. Teaching jerry is hard. I'm more convinced than ever that his school teachers probably just passed him to get him out of their class ASAP... well, literally the school entirely really. "Fuck it, just pass him, if we don't he'll singlehandedly bring our averages down across the board." - Prinicple
  6. You said it wasn't behind the LCD matrix so how is it producing RGB? 🤔 If it's not a backlight what's it called?
  7. The LEDs are in the back of the housing behind the LCD matrix.
  8. You said the LEDs weren't behind the LCD matrix, not me. Also, I like how even you are veering from your own argument. Which one wookz betta
  9. It's not behind the LCD matrix he says... I guess these edge lit white LEDs are somehow producing colors. You just go on and keep digging that hole.
  10. Dipshiturey literally trying to make fetch happen and it went horribly wrong.
  11. It's literally a light source... from the back of the TV, but somehow it's not a backlight.
  12. So if it's not a backlight what's it called? I'm genuinely curious.
  13. It doesn't relate at all. It's not even comparable.
  14. Like I said, you can't fix stupid.
  15. Non-front firing LEDs at the perimeter of a display providing the light source behind all layers in the TV... almost sounds like a back light. What's it called exactly? Kind of backlight? Almost backlight? Nearly there backlight? Are we there yet backlight? Don't you see how embarrassingly retarded you sound and literally are? You lack complete self awareness and this petty "argument" you're attempting to push isn't working. Only your little pea size brain knows why you continue going on with this charade.
  16. Answer the question. Surely you can muster up enough intellect to tell us how this is really working. We're all very interested.
  17. First sentence and you already fucked up. After that nothing else is worth reading. Stay losing.
  18. No, I relied on something that you continue to fail at interpreting; which is why I happily corrected you and will continue to do so long as I feel like responding to your stupidity. "Backlight Type: Edge-lit LED" What about the above quote do you have difficulty understanding exactly? Are you really trying to push the notion that an edge lit TV does not function as a backlight? If it doesn't then I guess all edge lit TVs are just blank screens... I mean that's exactly what you're saying. If edge lit TVs aren't emitting a backlight what is the light source? Please enlig
  19. No, I came in here and corrected you, which is exactly what happened. In the process I've exposed how stupid you can truly be. Sucks for you.
  20. Dude, no one here takes you seriously and this thread and your interpretation of the discussion at hand is exactly why. You made an erroneous conclusion and doubled down on stupidity despite being corrected. So the question remains, do you now understand that an LED edge-lit TV is a form of backlighting and doesn't require front firing LEDs?
  21. All this bullshit you typed up just to still be completely and utterly wrong.
  22. Actually I was right on point and described you to the tee. Edge-lit doesn't mean backlit despite the LED's being behind the panel and the manufacturer is wrong.
  23. Lacking that much self awareness. Impressive.
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