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Everything posted by lynux3

  1. Dat sedentary life. It is mentally debilitating. There's been many cross eyed days.
  2. Don't know. Don't watch. Only YouTube podcast I watch is Kinda Funny Games Daily.
  3. Lowest common denominator. Xbox is a mistake.
  4. 2019 GOTY for a reason. Let's see if Sony can continue the GOTY streak.
  5. Pretending like no other developers have praised the SSD, doubting this Microsoft employee has any insight, thinking xCloud doesn't utilize or won't benefit from extensive SSD testing for a service that's supposed to be "instant" and being as retarded as Lemij. Where's your GOD now?
  6. You've gone retard level of damage control. It's so satisfying.
  7. He was apart of the backwards compatibility team and Project xCloud... two products you highly praised.
  8. One of Microsoft's ex-Xbox and now Hololens employees knows shit? PoSC master race shaking in their boots.
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